Tag: Jewish Groups

The White House released the nation's first comprehensive plan to combat antisemitism, but declined to adopt a specific definition of antisemitism, giving credence to multiple definitions.
The article discusses the use of the pro-Israel playbook by Hindu American organizations to combat criticism of India.
In this article, the author discusses their personal experience as a trans writer wrestling with the classic movie "Yentl" starring Barbra Streisand.
Several prominent Jewish groups have criticized the recent Supreme Court ruling in Kennedy v. Bremerton, which sided with a public high school football coach who prayed midfield after a game.
Jewish groups have threatened legal action against a public library in New Jersey if they proceed with a scheduled reading of the children's book "P is for Palestine" due to its controversial inclusion of "I is for Intifada."
Washington, D.C. Councilman Trayon White, who faced criticism for suggesting that the Rothschild family controls the weather, has been receiving numerous invitations to Passover seders from the Jewish community.
Many Jewish groups remain hesitant after President Trump emphasized "America First" in his inaugural speech, a phrase historically associated with anti-Semitism and U.S. isolationism during WWII.
After a legal battle, a Munich court decided that the art hoard of the late Cornelius Gurlitt, suspected of being stolen by Nazis, will be transferred to Switzerlands Kunstmuseum Bern following Gurlitt's will.
Jewish groups are expressing outrage over Pope Benedict XVI advancing Pope Pius XII towards sainthood, with concerns that Pius did not do enough to prevent the Holocaust.