Tag: Jewish Literacy

The author discusses her journey to reconnect with her Jewish identity, prompted by her son's questions about their Jewishness.
The author explores different perspectives on how to effectively combat antisemitism.
In this episode of the 18Forty Podcast, Rabbi Yisroel Kaminetsky discusses the state of Jewish education in America.
Rabbi Yisroel Kaminetsky discusses the current state of Jewish education in America and explores the challenges and goals of creating a yeshiva experience that benefits students.
The article discusses the importance of Yiddish language and culture in Jewish identity.
The publisher reflects on the significant Jewish influence on American culture, especially in the 20th century.
Jewish outreach, or kiruv, is still active and has had some successes, although it has changed from its heyday in the 1990s.
The author argues for the need to achieve universal basic Jewish literacy among North American Jews within 20 years, in order to address the current Jewish ignorance within the community.
The article proposes a program called the Jethro Project, which aims to provide non-Jewish clergy with the opportunity to engage in focused Jewish study.
This article discusses the challenges facing non-Orthodox American Jewry and the importance of Jewish literacy and Torah learning for Jewish communities to flourish.
This text explores the concept of the "zogerke," a literate woman who led prayers and translated Hebrew texts for less educated women in Yiddish.
The text discusses the dilemma faced by Jewish educators regarding how much power and freedom to give to students in their learning process.
Haim Beer, an Israeli author whose work emphasizes Jewish sources and themes, has a newly translated vignette published in Tablet, showcasing his unique literary style that draws on traditional Jewish texts.
The discussion revolves around the challenges facing American Jews in maintaining their distinctive culture and religious commitments in a society marked by assimilation pressures.
The author passionately advocates for women's participation in in-depth Torah study within batei midrash, despite challenges and limitations in the traditional educational system.
Ilana Kurshan's memoir, "If All the Seas Were Ink," details her seven-year journey studying daf yomi in Jerusalem, intertwining personal experiences like failed relationships, remarriage, and the birth of children with Talmudic teachings.
Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson's role as an editor and publisher in spreading Hasidic teachings through the Chabad publishing house, Kehot, has been overlooked compared to his charismatic leadership and global outreach efforts.