Tag: Jewish Mourning Traditions

The author describes their journey through grief after their mother's death, reflecting on their relationship with her and their struggle to write following her passing.
Saar Margolis, a resident of the Israeli community Kibbutz Kissufim, was killed by Hamas terrorists.
The author explores the significance of a minuscule letter, kaf, in the word "to weep" in the description of Abraham mourning Sarah's death in this week's Torah portion.
The Memory Garden in Colma, California is the first Jewish site dedicated to commemorating miscarriages, abortions, and neonatal deaths.
In this heartfelt personal reflection, the author describes his experience of sitting shiva for his father via Zoom during the pandemic.
The text discusses the experience of loving and losing an addict, portraying the emotional journey of the narrator whose partner struggled with addiction and ultimately died from an overdose.
In the discussion of how Halakhah changes from traditional practices to contemporary adjustments, the focus is on the evolution of Tisha be-Av observances, particularly within the Religious Zionist and Modern Orthodox communities.