Tag: Jewish Settlement

Exploration of the settlement history of Jews in Bordeaux, France from the 4th to the 19th century in preparation for a Kosher River Cruise, without overt promotional content.
"Between Antisemites and Zionists: The Path of Alfred Wiener" by Daniel Finkelstein offers a compelling narrative about Alfred Wiener, founder of the Wiener Holocaust Library, and his family's survival during and after the Holocaust.
As the fighting between Israel and Hamas continues, there is growing doubt about Israel's ability to decisively defeat and destroy Hamas.
The article discusses the Blackstone Memorial, a petition presented to President Benjamin Harrison in 1891 by William Blackstone, urging him to support Jewish settlement and the creation of a Jewish national home in Palestine.
Professor Milton Shain, an expert in the history of Jews and anti-Semitism in South Africa, provides a unique perspective on the Jewish community in the region in contrast to the more commonly known history of Jewish settlement in America.
In "The Other Goldene Medina: The History of South African Jewry," Milton Shain, a history professor focusing on Jews and anti-Semitism in South Africa, presents the unique history of Jewish settlement in the country.
"Masha Gessen's book 'Where the Jews Aren't' dives into the complex history of the Soviet Union's Jewish Autonomous Region, Birobidzhan. The book explores the lives of Yiddish author David Bergelson and historian Simon Dubnow, shedding light on their experiences and contributions to Jewish culture. Gessen critically examines Bergelson's alliances and actions, revealing his complex relationship with the Soviet regime. While Dubnow is portrayed as a more sympathetic figure advocating for diaspora nationalism, Gessen overlooks the role of anarchist Petr Kropotkin in the early discussions about a Jewish territory in Birobidzhan. Gessen's narrative touches on themes of displacement, loss of home, and the tumultuous history faced by these Jewish intellectuals. However, the book falls short in fully exploring the geographical and political context of Birobidzhan and its connections to larger Jewish nationalist movements."
"God, Israel, & Shiloh: Returning to the Land" by David Rubin recounts his harrowing experience of being shot at with his young son in Shiloh, a Jewish community with a rich historical and biblical significance.
David Beeri, a former IDF officer, utilized legal loopholes like the Absentees Property Law to claim land in Silwan, an Arab neighborhood in Jerusalem, for Jewish settlement under the guise of historical ownership.