Tag: Jewish Students

The writer describes the hostile environment that Jewish students face on American college campuses, particularly in the aftermath of the recent conflict between Israel and Hamas.
Ronald Lauder, head of the World Jewish Congress and a prominent philanthropist, threatened to withdraw funding from the University of Pennsylvania due to accusations of antisemitism on campus.
An instructor at Stanford University has been suspended for targeting Jewish and Israeli students during a classroom discussion on the Israel-Gaza conflict.
Jewish students at American universities are feeling hurt and betrayed by the lack of support on campuses in the wake of recent Hamas attacks on Israel.
Pro-Palestinian student groups on various American campuses, including Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP), have been defending and supporting the recent Hamas terror attacks on Israel.
Masa Israel Journey, an umbrella organization for gap-year programs in Israel, has stated that all 5,700 of its participants are safe and have been relocated away from areas of direct danger.
Rice Pride, an LGBTQ+ student group at Rice University, has severed ties with its Hillel branch over the issue of Israel.
The Palestine Writes Literature Festival at the University of Pennsylvania has faced criticism for including speakers with a history of antisemitism, such as Roger Waters and Marc Lamont Hill.
The number of student governments passing resolutions to boycott Israel decreased last year, but anti-Israel activity on college campuses almost doubled, according to the Anti-Defamation League (ADL).
According to a report by the Anti-Defamation League (ADL), the number of student governments passing resolutions to boycott Israel decreased significantly last year.
A bipartisan group of lawmakers from the Senate and House Task Forces for Combating Antisemitism has written a letter to the U.S. Department of Education, urging the implementation of additional measures to protect Jewish students on college campuses.
A Jew who is not observant wonders if it is acceptable to take off classes for Yom Kippur, despite not being religiously committed.
Hillel Ontario has identified engaging Jewish students and addressing their most pressing needs as a top priority.
The AJC's State of Antisemitism in America 2022 report highlights the impact of rising antisemitism on college campuses.
University of Toronto's anti-racism office organized a restorative circle for Jewish students and staff to address antisemitism following a report by Dr. Ayelet Kuper.
In this article written by Henry Greenspan, a professor emeritus at the University of Michigan, he critiques a recent column by Rob Eshman that explores the concept of "Zionist snowflakes" on college campuses.
The Ottawa-Carleton District School Board has taken formal action against antisemitism by passing a motion to hire a Jewish equity coach, in part due to the efforts of Lisa Levitan, founder of the Jewish Educators Group, who collected over 1,000 signatures on a petition.
A Munich high school, the Luisengymnasium, recently held a memorial ceremony honoring 20 Jewish young women who were students at the school during the Holocaust and were subsequently murdered by the Nazis.
Dr. Ayelet Kuper, a professor at the University of Toronto's medical school, has documented and published instances of antisemitism faced by Jewish faculty and students, particularly those who publicly support Israel.
The text discusses a report by Independent Jewish Voices highlighting concerns that adopting the IHRA definition of antisemitism in Canada has limited open discussion on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, leading to fears of being labeled racist or colonialist.
Brandeis University is grieving after a shuttle bus crash left one student dead and dozens injured.
The podcast episode discusses the declining numbers of Jewish students in Ivy League universities, specifically focusing on Harvard.
A report discusses the experiences of Jewish students at George Washington University, which has been described as a hotspot of antisemitism and hatred towards Israel.
The podcast episode "Princeton and the Dirty Bicker of 1958" explores a scandal that occurred at Princeton University in the 1950s regarding the eating clubs.
The podcast episode discusses the history of Seth Low Junior College, a separate campus in Brooklyn that existed from 1928 to 1938 and was created by Columbia University to limit the number of Jewish students on its main campus.