Tag: Jewish Summer Camps

Jewish summer camps in North America are adapting their programming this year to address the challenges posed by recent events such as the war in Gaza and Oct. 7.
This summer, participation in Birthright Israel trips from the U.S. and Canada has decreased by half compared to last year, with around 5,000 to 6,000 participants signed up.
Some Jewish summer camps are under pressure to reconsider their Israel programming, with families at a New York camp urging the exclusion of Israel Day celebrations, citing concerns about the ongoing conflict.
Enrollment for Jewish American teens on summer trips to Israel has decreased significantly this year, with some camps cancelling the trips due to low interest and safety concerns following recent regional conflicts.
Rabbi Andy Bachman criticizes an anonymous op-ed calling for Jewish summer camps to address the Israeli-Palestinian conflict more directly, arguing that the piece lacks specificity and fails to acknowledge the nuanced approaches various camps take on the issue.
The article addresses the need for Jewish summer camps to have nuanced conversations about Israel and Palestine with campers.
Jewish camps have a significant impact on shaping the Jewish community, helping to create a deep commitment to Jewish identity, lifelong friendships, and future Jewish leaders.
Jewish summer camps in Canada are enhancing their programs by providing mental health support to campers through the inclusion of professionals like camper care directors or spiritual coordinators with backgrounds in social work and child psychology.
Jewish Action, a publication serving the Jewish community, has won four Simon Rockower Awards for Excellence in Jewish Journalism for work published in 2021.
Historic Jewish institutions like Camp Hess Kramer and Gindling Hilltop Camp in California have been severely damaged by wildfires, including the loss of buildings, staff residences, and cabins.
In a podcast segment titled "The Benjamin Netanyahus New World Order Edition," Miriam Herschlag, Noah Efron, and Don Futterman discuss Prime Minister Netanyahu's tactics of using Iran's nuclear threat to strengthen ties with the Emirates and Saudi Arabia.
Miriam Herschlag, Noah Efron, and Don Futterman discuss Benjamin Netanyahu's strategy of using the threat of Iran's nuclearization to strengthen ties with the Emirates and Saudi Arabia, sometimes without American involvement, raising questions about the implications of his approach.
In episode 96 of Unorthodox, the podcast explores the world of Jewish summer camps with guests sharing their experiences and insights.
Tisha B'Av, a solemn day commemorating the destruction of the First and Second Temples in Jerusalem, has been observed at Jewish summer camps in troubling ways, leading to traumatizing experiences for campers.
An Israeli sociologist conducted a study at Jewish summer camps in the United States with over 700 children, revealing insights into how different Jewish denominations view their identity.