Tag: Jewish Traditions

The author reflects on their Jewish identity through various life stages, highlighting their connection to Jewish culture, particularly through food.
A Hanukkah celebration at a Brooklyn home highlighted Moroccan Jewish culinary traditions, featuring dishes like chicken levivot and sfenj (Moroccan doughnuts) made by Israeli natives with Moroccan heritage.
The author reflects on a personal dilemma when her husband wanted to break the Yom Kippur fast early to accommodate his migraine, while she preferred to wait until the traditional time.
Beekeeper Liane Newton, who runs nycbeekeeping.org, ensures the well-being of bees for Rosh Hashanah honey by providing resources for urban beekeepers.
Tens of thousands of visitors gathered at Montefiore Cemetery in Queens to mark the 20th yahrzeit of Menachem Mendel Schneerson, the seventh Lubavitcher Rebbe.
Renowned poet Jerome Rothenberg recounted the tale of staying in a hotel suite in Poland in 1988 that had once belonged to Hitler, complete with a balcony from which Hitler had addressed the public in 1938.
A couple shares their journey of evolving their Purim tradition from giving out simple mishloach manot to creating a humorous Purim newsletter over the years.
Shelley Richman Cohen recounts her journey of mourning her son Nathaniel, who passed away at 21 due to Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy.
In this text, Allison, Don, and Noah explore various topics, including the lenient sentence of an officer who assaulted a peace activist, a heartbreaking dispute over a three-year-old Ethiopian boy, and the potential decline in the consensus on circumcision for Jewish boys in Israel.
The author recounts visiting the yahrzeit plaque of their paternal grandmother, Eva Katz, at Congregation Beth Jacob of Beverly Hills, reflecting on their family history and the memories associated with Eva.
Wearing leather items like belts and yarmulkes is permitted on Yom Kippur and Tishah B'Av; only leather shoes are prohibited.
The article discusses the significance of challah and its variations for different Jewish communities.
The text is a personal reflection on the author's experience caring for his father as he faces declining health.
Francesca Segal's novel "The Innocents" explores the complexities of Jewish life in North West London, focusing on protagonist Adam Newman's struggle between tradition and modernity, familial expectations, and romantic entanglements.
Families are increasingly opting for destination bar and bat mitzvahs outside traditional synagogue settings as a way to personalize the ceremonies and create meaningful experiences for the young celebrants.
Observant Jews celebrating Lag b'Omer traditionally mark the day with haircuts, symbolizing hope and an end to a period of mourning after Passover.
Jennifer Abadi, cookbook author and culinary instructor, delves into Syrian Passover traditions, offering insights into Syrian-Jewish cuisine and Passover favorites.
The text discusses Jewish identity and the challenges surrounding it, focusing on how individuals grapple with their Jewishness in a modern context.
The text discusses the challenges and intricacies of translating the works of Yiddish writer Chaim Grade, highlighting the need for knowledge of Yiddish, English, Hebrew, and Jewish culture.
Yossi Huttler's poem "Rishon LeCheshbon" reflects on the significance of a bar mitzvah occurring during Succos, a time of accountability and introspection.
The text recounts the author's journey of grieving the unexpected death of their fiancé's brother, Rafi, and the challenges of mourning as a non-traditional mourner in Jewish tradition.
The author discusses their plans for Thanksgiving, reflecting on their estrangement from their families.
For Hanukkah, Chef Melissa Petitto offers creative and lighter recipes celebrating the holiday while honoring the tradition of oil.