Tag: Jewish Traditions

A tutorial on the traditional Jewish ritual of lighting Shabbat candles, emphasizing the importance of bringing peace and warmth into the home through this practice.
The video explores the historical and cultural connections between the Igbo people of Nigeria and Judaism, examining their practice of Jewish customs and the debates surrounding their inclusion within the Jewish community.
After losing her husband at a young age, the author recounts how her father stepped in to fill the void for her two sons.
Esther Ottensoser offers creative floral-inspired ideas for table decor, including making tiny vase place cards using popsicle sticks and glass jars, flower-shaped breadsticks for a charming touch to any meal, and rustic cane decor with dried flowers.
Shavuot is discussed as an all-night holiday commemorating the giving of the Torah.
In this piece, a young person recounts their experience at an Orthodox Jewish seminary during the COVID-19 pandemic quarantine.
Denis Hirson's memoir, "My Thirty-Minute Bar Mitzvah," delves into his complex relationship with his Jewish identity, upbringing in apartheid South Africa, and his father's unexpected political activism.
The video discusses the significance of Lag BaOmer, a Jewish holiday commemorated with bonfires and dancing, emphasizing themes of unity and mysticism.
Yonatan Adler responds to Malka Simkovich's review of his book, "The Origins of Judaism," emphasizing his focus on when ordinary Jews began following Torah as authoritative law rather than exploring intellectual history.
Amanda Pogany, the director of a Jewish day school in Brooklyn, became a consultant for Sesame Street, providing input on episodes that showcase Jewish traditions such as making challah for Shabbat and celebrating intercultural aspects like Cuban and Jewish heritage.
The text humorously discusses the challenges of managing Shabbos cereal in a household with children, focusing on the negotiations and complexities that arise when determining who gets to eat their allotted portion and when.
In "Life, Loss and Legacy: A Mother-Daughter Love Story" by Lisa Lang, the author reflects on the impact of her mother's passing, her desire for children, and her journey of self-discovery.
At a recent charity event, Henry Winkler and his daughter Zoe Winkler Reinis were honored for their philanthropic work, receiving The Workers Circles Generation to Generation Jewish Culture and Activism Award.
Sesame Street premiered an episode called "Shabbat Shalom," celebrating the Jewish holiday of Shabbat.
At a recent Passover Seder in Laurie Shelton's family, a new tradition called "The Other Four Questions" was introduced.
In preparation for Pesach, a Jewish writer reflects on the annual tradition of cleaning out cupboards and baking for the holiday.
Massachusetts lawmakers postponed their annual budget debate to accommodate Passover observance, a schedule change prompted by Jewish representatives concerned about the conflict with the holiday.
Manischewitz, the well-known kosher-for-Passover brand, has recently undergone a rebranding that includes new packaging and a playful design featuring cartoon figures.
During Passover, the seder plate traditionally includes items like parsley, bitter herbs, charoset, a shank bone, and an egg, but there are modern additions you can incorporate to reflect contemporary issues in the Jewish community.
For families looking for Passover-themed TV episodes, here are six recommendations that cater to different age groups:
"Workitu's Passover" is a children's picture book based on the author's childhood in Ethiopia, where the tradition of smashing chametz vessels before Passover and reshaping them symbolizes continuity of Jewish traditions from generation to generation.
The writer expresses initial anger and hurt upon a relative declining to attend the family seder due to discomfort with traditional texts and intentions, feeling conflicted about the rejection of a beloved tradition but reflecting on the nature of family traditions and adaptation.
Rabbi Elliot Cosgrove and Professor Daniel Matt discuss the life and significance of the prophet Elijah in Jewish tradition in a Passover special episode on the Park Avenue Synagogue Podcast.
In a 1991 episode of Shalom Sesame, Sarah Jessica Parker portrays TV reporter Peggy Pey interviewing Moishe Oofnik (Oscar the Grouch's Israeli cousin) and Oscar the Grouch about Passover and matzah.
Amidst disagreements over Israel and heightened emotions, the Passover Seder offers a platform to navigate differing perspectives and foster empathy.