Tag: Jewish Traditions

The podcast episode "Winner's Circle: Ep. 126" features discussions on Purim, the Oscars, and the life of an FBI agent, with guests including film critic Jordan Hoffman and former FBI agent Asha Rangappa.
"Hershel and the Hanukkah Goblins" challenges the idea of a singular, canonical Hanukkah story by introducing goblins and magical elements into the narrative.
The article discusses the historical significance and evolution of lighting practices during Hanukkah and Christmas.
The text discusses how Zionism played a role in reviving the tradition of using etrogim (citrons) in America.
"Rescued by the Tufts of Their Hair" by Rav Haim Sabato takes readers through the story of Tzion, a soldier, and his journey from a poor orphan in Hatikvah Quarter to studying in the Bnei Akiva yeshivah near Netanya under Rav Moshe Zvi Neria.
Honey cake, a traditional staple on Rosh Hashanah tables, is undergoing a modern revival.
Renowned Israeli and American Jewish authors discussed a range of topics, including identity, Judaism, and Zionism in a collection of conversations published by the Israeli newspaper Yediot Aharonot during Book Week.
After going through a split with her husband, the author hosted a Passover Seder as a test of her ability to navigate being single and maintaining a homey life on her own.
In episode 71 of "Unorthodox," the podcast celebrates Christmas with a Jewish twist, featuring guests who discuss various aspects of the holiday season.
Sandy Lee's journey into making traditional German lebkuchen cookies led her to found Leckerlee, a business selling authentic lebkuchen.
In the discussion about the ideal Jewish marriage according to Rambam, different interpretations and approaches have emerged in modern times due to changing social realities.
The text delves into the challenges faced by a woman reciting the Mourners Kaddish for her deceased mother in Orthodox Jewish communities.
The text explores the historical practice of all-night study vigils in Jewish communities, focusing on the tikkun observed on the first night of Shavuot and a lesser-known study session before Hoshana Rabbah.
The "Four Sons for a New Generation" edition discusses modern interpretations of the four sons from the Midrash, aligning them with contemporary archetypes.
The author reminisces about dressing up as Queen Esther on Purim as a child, finding comfort and a sense of hiding in the costume.
The author reflects on his Jewish identity as he navigates interactions with a religiously observant neighbor who tries to set him up with his daughters, emphasizing the difference between being Jewish and "Jew-ish."
The author reflects on their lack of enthusiasm for latkes, despite coming from a family of potato lovers and belonging to a Jewish community with strong associations with the dish.
Five Rosh Hashanah-themed music videos are highlighted to enhance the High Holiday spirit.
Tisha B'Av is the saddest day in the Jewish calendar, marked by tragic events like the destruction of both Temples and expulsions of Jews from various countries.
Dr. Susan Nashman Fraiman, an art historian at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, discusses her research on the development of candle-lighting practices, particularly the Shabbat Lamp, among Ashkenazi Jews.
Shavuot is likened to Jewish Mother-in-Laws Day as it celebrates the story of Ruth, the first convert to Judaism, who chose to stay with her mother-in-law, Naomi, showcasing acceptance into both faith and family.
The author reflects on the upcoming Passover holiday and the concept of chametz (leavened foods) in a broader context of food waste.
Frank Herbert's iconic science fiction novel "Dune" presents a futuristic universe where religion is a potent force influenced by Judaism and other faiths, portrayed in a scrambled manner.
In this personal essay, a convert to Judaism grapples with her love for Christmas traditions and how to navigate celebrating them while being Jewish.
The Matzoball, a popular party for Jewish singles held on Christmas Eve, began in 1987 by Andrew Rudnick as a way to bring together young Jewish professionals.