Tag: Joseph

Rabbi Mordechai Yosef Leiner, the founder of the Ishbitz-Radzyn dynasty, offers a unique interpretation of the story of Joseph and his brothers.
Parashat Vayechi concludes with the burial of Joseph in a coffin, symbolizing his dual identity as part of the patriarchal family and Egyptian society.
In the Torah portion Vayigash, Joseph warns his brothers not to become agitated on their journey home.
The Etgar Quiz no. 253 poses questions on various Jewish topics.
The Parashah of Mikketz delves into the significance of dreams in the Torah, portraying them as divine messages needing interpretation.
The tradition of getting rid of hametz (leavened products) for Passover has its roots in the story of Joseph in the Bible.
The article discusses the role of clothing in the Joseph narrative in the Book of Genesis.
The character of Boaz in the Book of Ruth is examined as a great leader who goes beyond the call of duty to protect the vulnerable and leave a lasting legacy.
In "The Autism Question and Beyond: Rereading the Joseph Saga," Yitzchak Blau reviews Samuel J. Levine's book "Was Yosef on the Spectrum?" which explores the idea of Joseph from the Bible having autism.
The discussion explores the complex dilemma of embracing the teachings of revered Jewish figures despite their controversial or immoral actions.