Tag: Judicial Reform

Aharon Barak, the former justice of the Israeli Supreme Court, is a controversial figure known for revolutionizing the role of the court and expanding its power.
Israel's Supreme Court made two controversial decisions this week, striking down a constitutional amendment and asserting its authority to remove a sitting prime minister.
In Israel Update: Episode 3, Michael Doran and Gadi Taub discuss recent events in Israeli jurisprudence.
Israel's Supreme Court has struck down a law that limited its own powers and annulled one of its quasi-constitutional Basic Laws, marking a significant constitutional issue.
Dan Senor discusses recent events in Israel like the assassination of a Hamas leader in Lebanon and the Supreme Court's decision on judicial reform, before delving into the significance of Claudine Gay's resignation from Harvard.
Israel's ability to adapt quickly to crises has been on display recently.
The author reflects on the current state of Israel, describing the ongoing anti-government demonstrations and the disarray within the country's air force due to protesting reserve officers.
The author argues that the upcoming Days of Awe in Israel, between the Jewish New Year and the Day of Atonement, may be disastrous for Israeli democracy.
In a wide-ranging conversation, Daniel Gordis and Dahlia Scheindlin joined Forward's opinion editor, Laura E. Adkins, to discuss the potential outcomes of Israel's judicial overhaul.
Many American rabbis typically avoid discussing Israeli politics, but the recent political turmoil in Israel has compelled many to address it in their High Holiday sermons.
Tens of thousands of Israelis gathered in Jerusalem to demonstrate in favor of judicial reform, protesting against the Supreme Court's decision to interfere in legislation related to the reform.
This article discusses the tendency of Israeli politicians to blame the Supreme Court for various problems in the country, such as the wave of murders in the Arab community, terrorism, lack of governance, and protection rackets.
President Yitzchak Herzog is hopeful about mediating between the different factions in Israeli society.
In this article, the author expresses admiration for Jonathan Rosenblum, a prominent spokesperson for the Charedi community.
In this podcast interview, Ran Baratz, editor of Israeli magazine Mida and contributor to the conservative newspaper Makor Rishon, discusses the ongoing protests in Israel and the deeper emotions driving them.
In January of this year, protests began in Israel, with thousands of people taking to the streets every Saturday night to voice their discontent with the government, particularly regarding judicial reform.
The article discusses the threat to Israeli democracy and how it is not coming from Benjamin Netanyahu's government, but rather from the Supreme Court.
In this discussion, Allison Kaplan Sommer and Noah Efron address two important topics.
Allison Kaplan Sommer and Noah Efron discuss the significance of women in leadership roles, particularly focusing on a female physicist leading a major protest movement in Israel, and the widespread admiration for Israeli actress Gal Gadot.
During a visit to Israel with a delegation of 24 Democratic members of Congress, House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries stated that the Israeli government's attempts to weaken the country's judiciary would not affect American military aid to Israel.
In July 2023, the Israeli government passed an amendment that prohibits judges from using the reasonableness test in reviewing governmental decisions.
The Reasonableness Standard Law recently enacted in Israel limits the Israeli Supreme Court's ability to review the reasonableness of government decisions.
The author reflects on the recent judicial reforms in Israel, expressing concern for the future of Israeli democracy.
The author discusses the recent passage of a judicial reform bill in the Knesset that has caused divisions and threatens the democratic nature of Israel.
In this discussion, Neri Zilber and Prof. Suzie Navot analyze the Netanyahu government's recent push to overhaul Israel's judicial system.