Tag: King Solomon

The discussion revolves around the significance of names and the impact they have on our lives.
Shemini Atzeret marks the end of the Succot festival and reflects on the celebration of the Temple's inauguration in Jerusalem by King Solomon.
Shemini Atzeret, a festival often overshadowed by Simchat Torah, is described as a paradox, lacking specific customs but providing a creative opportunity for personal celebration.
The article discusses the split of the kingdoms of Israel and Judah following King Solomon's death, and how this division still affects Jewish people today.
In "Solomon: The Lure of Wisdom," biblical scholar Steven Weitzman explores the story of King Solomon and its significant impact on Western culture.
Peter Kreeft, a Catholic philosopher, discusses the philosophical themes in the book of Ecclesiastes during an interview with Mosaic editor Jonathan Silver.
The article explores the similarities between the biblical book of Ecclesiastes and Shakespeare's play Hamlet.
The text discusses various aspects of Ethiopian and Abyssinian history and culture.
Steven Weitzman explores the complexities of Solomon's legacy and the quest for Jewish origins in his book "The Origin of the Jews: The Quest for Roots in a Rootless Age."
The legend of two brothers expressing mutual devotion through sharing is a popular but unfounded story in Jewish tradition.
Rabbi Joshua Berman examines the lack of emotional connection many feel towards Tisha B'Av and the concept of mourning the destruction of the Temple.