Tag: Kiruv

Rabbi Nechemia Coopersmith of Aish.com discusses the impact of October 7, a significant date in Jewish history, on kiruv efforts and Jewish identity.
The discussion delves into the concept of Achdus, exploring whether it is a Halachic requirement or a Hashkafic principle and how it differs from Kiruv.
The writer grapples with the struggle of balancing values as she navigates interactions with her off-the-derech sister in her home.
Jewish outreach, or kiruv, is still active and has had some successes, although it has changed from its heyday in the 1990s.
NCSY's Jewish Student Union (JSU) is a network of culture clubs for Jewish public school teens in the US and Canada, impacting around 12,000 teens annually.
In this collection of letters to the editor, various topics related to Jewish practice and belief are discussed.
The author explores the possibility of Modern Orthodox kiruv (outreach) and its potential to combat the assimilation and loss of Jewish identity in today's world.
In this episode of the 18Forty Podcast, Laura E. Adkins, opinion editor for the Jewish Telegraphic Agency, discusses how she remains grounded while engaging with diverse viewpoints.
The article discusses the concept of kiruv (Jewish outreach) and the potential harm in portraying the secular world as devoid of goodness.