Tag: Labor Movement

The United Auto Workers (UAW) endorsed President Joe Biden for re-election despite previously calling for a permanent ceasefire in Israel/Palestine.
A new memorial is being unveiled at the site of the Triangle Shirtwaist factory fire, commemorating the tragic event where 146 workers died in 1911.
Fran Drescher, known for her role in The Nanny, has emerged as a strong advocate for labor rights as the president of SAG-AFTRA during a joint strike with the WGA over issues like low pay in the streaming industry.
The author, Ellen Cassedy, reflects on her grandfather's stories about Rose Schneiderman, a Jewish activist who fought for the rights of garment industry workers in the early 20th century.
The article explores the historical relationship between the Forverts newspaper and its women readers.
The New York City Landmarks Preservation Commission recently approved a design for a permanent memorial to the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire, a tragic event in 1911 that claimed the lives of 146 mainly Jewish and Italian immigrant workers.
Today marks the 100th anniversary of the tragic Triangle Shirtwaist Fire, a significant event that claimed the lives of 146 workers, mostly young Jewish women, and played a crucial role in advancing the United States labor movement.