Tag: Leviticus

The Shabbat times from May 24 to May 31 are provided for various cities in the UK, including London, Bournemouth, Leeds, Manchester, Gateshead, and Glasgow.
The article discusses the narrative of the "blasphemer" in Leviticus and challenges the common translation of the sin as blasphemy.
In Parashat Acharei Mot, the sacrificial ritual for Yom Kippur is introduced, referencing the tragic death of Aaron's sons, Nadab and Abihu, during their ordination into the priesthood.
Rabbi Joseph Dweck discusses a new book on the Vayiqra with a scientific and Kabbalistic commentary by Rabbi Elia Benamozegh, a prominent Italian Jewish scholar.
Shabbat times from April 5 to April 12 are listed for various cities, including the start and end times of Shabbat.
From March 22 to March 29, notable Jewish times include the Fast of Esther on March 21, Shabbat Zachor on March 23, Purim on March 23, and Shushan Purim on March 24.
Rabbi Elia Benamozegh, a prominent scholar of Italian Jewry, wrote a scientific and Kabbalistic commentary called "Em LaMiqra" on the book of Leviticus.
Rabbi Shua Brick, an openly gay Orthodox Jew, is breaking barriers in the Jewish community.
This article discusses three biblical scenarios that illustrate threats to social order in the community of Israel.
In Tractate Zevachim of the Talmud, the discussion revolves around what to do when a Temple offering becomes disqualified and ascends the altar by mistake.
Rabbi Shai Held's two-volume collection "The Heart of Torah, Essays on the Weekly Torah Portion" delves into the importance of the Torah reading cycle and the moral lessons found within the text.
The final Torah portions of Leviticus, Behar and Behukkotai, extend the concept of sanctity from the Tabernacle to include time and place, introducing the Sabbath and Shemitah laws.
Rabbi Shai Held, president of Mechon Hadar and author of The Heart of Torah, discusses his insights on the Torah, particularly Leviticus, sharing how he found value in studying it despite initial hesitation.
Rabbi Jonathan Sacks' Covenant & Conversation: A Weekly Reading of the Jewish Bible Leviticus emphasizes the concept of holiness found in Vayikra, arguing that holiness is achieved through human submission to the divine and the willingness to sacrifice.
The discussion delves into the biblical narrative of Nadav and Avihu, Aaron's sons who were consumed by divine fire for offering unauthorized sacrifices in the Tabernacle, sparking various interpretations on the value of martyrdom.
The text discusses the trend of beards in fashion and the historical significance of beards in Jewish culture.