Tag: Linguistics

Ken Burns delivered a commencement speech at Brandeis University, urging the power of stories to generate empathy and challenge assumptions, while highlighting the significance of Yiddish and Isaac Bashevis Singer in American culture.
An opera called "The Great Dictionary of the Yiddish Language" brings to life the story of Yudel Mark and Max Weinreich, who spent 25 years working on a Yiddish dictionary that remained incomplete.
The term "rabbi" has taken on a slang meaning in professions where having influential connections is important.
In this episode of the 18Forty Podcast, Simi Peters, an author and teacher, discusses the intersection of Jewish faith and postmodernism.
The podcast episode delves into the topic of Jewish languages with expert guests Sarah Bunin Benor, Alanna Cooper, and Vitaly Shalem, hosted by Jeremy Shere on the Adventures in Jewish Studies podcast.
In this personal reflection, the author discusses the role of Jewish identity in diaspora, particularly around the Christmas season.
Israeli linguist Ghilad Zuckerman argues that the term "Israeli" is more appropriate than "Hebrew" for the language spoken in Israel, describing it as a hybrid of Semitic and Indo-European elements influenced by various languages.