Tag: Media Criticism

The podcast discusses the problematic media coverage of the recent March for Israel, criticizing mainstream media for downplaying its significance and focusing on other issues instead.
The podcast discusses various topics such as the growing pessimism on the Right regarding Ukraine despite Russian challenges, criticism of The New York Times for not being pro-trans enough, and the relevance of balloons.
The podcast discusses President Joe Biden's challenges in pronouncing the name of the Omicron variant and questions the severity of the threat it poses.
Israeli superstar Sarit Hadad made waves by releasing a new song, "Ahava kmo Shelanu," with a music video subtly hinting at her relationship with a woman, although she did not explicitly come out as gay or lesbian.
In her book, "Bad News: How Woke Media Is Undermining Democracy," Batya Ungar-Sargon argues that woke culture has given rise to a focus on racial identity politics, which distracts from the underlying issue of class inequality.
The podcast discusses whether the Right's rejection of Joe Biden's victory is a true revolution or a response to perceived media bias, exemplified by criticism of Joseph Epstein.