Tag: Menorah

Actor Nate Mann, who portrayed Lt. Robert Rosie Rosenthal in the Apple TV+ show Masters of the Air, discussed his Jewish heritage and the personal connection he felt to the character, delving into his family's history as Jewish immigrants.
The article discusses the concept of love and giving in relation to the Mishkan (Tabernacle) and its eternal preservation compared to the destruction of the two Batei Hamikdash (Temples).
The Parashah of the week, Ki Tissa, discusses the first poll tax imposed on the Israelites to raise funds for the Temple Treasury.
The author expresses their sadness as Hanukkah comes to an end, emphasizing the importance of the holiday for their mental health.
Jewish communities in the United States have experienced a spike in antisemitic vandalism during Hanukkah.
In 1977, Gilda Radner, a Jewish comedian, lit the Hanukkah candles on live TV, which was possibly the first time a menorah had been lit on national television.
Several menorahs crafted from materials retrieved from the Oct. 7 attack in Israel have been lit up for Hanukkah, symbolizing light, unity, and the perseverance of the Jewish people.
The author reflects on their initial reservations about their daughter's due date being on December 24, worried that her birthday would be overshadowed by Christmas.
Far-right Polish lawmaker Grzegorz Braun caused outrage when he used a fire extinguisher to blow out the candles of a menorah in Poland's parliament building before calling Hanukkah satanic.
Tamir Hershkovitz, the youngest of three orphaned siblings whose parents were killed in an attack on October 7, returned to their devastated home in Kibbutz Beeri to light a menorah that survived the attack.
In this article, the author shares a personal story from their childhood about a Hanukkah menorah they purchased from Rosenblums Hebrew Book Store in Chicago.
Jasmin Moghbeli, an Iranian-American astronaut, recently celebrated Hanukkah in space while aboard the International Space Station.
President Joe Biden hosted the annual White House Hanukkah party, emphasizing the importance of Israel and its meaning to Jews as a stronghold against persecution.
More than 500 people gathered in Columbus Circle in Manhattan on the first night of Hanukkah to call for a cease-fire in Israel's war against Hamas in Gaza.
This article highlights the significance of Chanukah, the Festival of Lights, arriving during a time of darkness and challenges.
The article discusses the well-known Hanukkah song "Maoz Tzur" and its final stanza.
The author reflects on the recent tragedy and the emotions it evoked in the Jewish community.
The author reflects on the Hanukkah lesson learned from her mother - to shine her bright Jewish light and show the world who she is and what she believes in.
The author criticizes how Hanukkah has become commercialized and lost its true meaning of defiance and anti-assimilation.
This article discusses the joy and casual nature of Chanukah parties, highlighting the opportunity to cook and enjoy special dairy recipes.
The almond has a long history in Jewish culture, symbolizing hope, renewal, and the impermanent nature of life.
The story of Hanukkah, as most modern Jews know it, involves the victory of the Maccabees over the Greeks and the miracle of the oil that lasted for eight days.
In response to an unsettling encounter with a Holocaust denier, the Jewish community on Bowen Island, BC, decided to increase their visibility by creating a six-foot-tall menorah out of driftwood collected from the beach in 2021.
This article discusses lesser-known aspects of the Hanukkah holiday.
This article reflects on Theodor Herzl's essay "The Menorah," in which he uses the story of Hanukkah to explore the reclaiming of Jewish identity in the face of anti-Semitism.