Tag: Mizrahi Jews

The essay discusses the issue of whitewashing Jews and challenges the misconception that all Jews are white.
David Levy, a prominent Mizrahi Israeli politician and former foreign minister, passed away at 86.
Rabbi Yitsy David, a Sephardic Jew, is working to promote and preserve the diverse heritage and culture of Sephardi and Mizrahi Jews in the UK, aiming to educate Jewish schools about their history and traditions.
The article explores the history and tradition of matzo, highlighting that traditionally, soft matzo was more common than the dry, cracker-like version typically found today.
Esther Coopersmith, a prominent Washington hostess and diplomat, passed away at the age of 94.
The text reflects the experiences of a Jewish individual from Samarkand, Uzbekistan, emphasizing the historical and cultural significance of Sephardic and Mizrahi Jews.
Israels Black Panthers, a group of Mizrahi Jewish youth in the early 1970s, drew inspiration from the American Black Panthers to challenge discrimination against Mizrahi Jews in Israel.
Charlie Biton, co-founder of the Israeli Black Panthers and a prominent activist in Israel, passed away at the age of 76.
Hen Mazzig, an Israeli author and founder of The Tel Aviv Institute, emphasizes the need to counter the false colonialism narrative about Israel.
In this heartfelt letter, the author addresses Jewish college students who are feeling scared and isolated on their campuses.
In this op-ed, Orly Noy, an Iranian-born Mizrahi political activist and journalist, reflects on her experiences as an immigrant to Israel and discusses the sacrifices she has made to assimilate and become a "good Israeli."
This article explores the historical and cultural significance of eggs in Jewish cuisine.
In response to a recent column about how the Forward should spell the name of the unleavened bread product eaten during Passover, readers shared their preferences.
Proposed changes to the US government's racial and ethnic statistical standards have raised concerns among Sephardic and Mizrahi Jews who feel they do not fit neatly into the new categories.
In his book "Enemies, a Love Story," Prof. Hillel Cohen from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem explores Mizrahi Jewish politics in relation to Palestinian Arabs and Ashkenazi Jews from the emergence of Zionism to modern times.
In this discussion, Prof. Hillel Cohen explores the historical and contemporary relationship between Mizrahi Jews, Palestinian Arabs, and Ashkenazi Jews.
"The Forgotten Exodus: Iraq" is a podcast series by the American Jewish Committee that focuses on Mizrahi and Sephardic Jews.
Hen Mazzig, an Israeli writer of Mizrahi descent, challenges the notion of Jews as a race, pointing out the complexity of Jewish identity, especially for Jews of color.
In this discussion, Sima Shine, former head of Mossad's research division and senior researcher at Israel's Institute for National Security Studies (INSS), talks about recent developments in Iran, including the death of Mohsen Fakhrizadeh, who led Iran's nuclear weapons program.
"Valley of Tears," an Israeli-American coproduction, is the most substantial treatment of the Yom Kippur War committed to film.
The Rosh Hashanah seder, traditionally associated with the Passover holiday, has its own long tradition and has recently gained popularity as a pandemic-proof way to celebrate the Jewish New Year.
Rabbi Ovadia Yosef, a revered figure in Mizrahi Jewry, was not just a political symbol but a father and leader to his followers.
In episode 181 of Unorthodox, journalist Matti Friedman discusses his book 'Spies of No Country: Secret Lives at the Birth of Israel', focusing on the True story of four Mizrahi Jews who posed as Arabs during Israel's founding.
The Yemenite Children Affair is explored in the context of Mizrahi Jewish history in Israel, where between 1948 and 1954, numerous babies of Mizrahi immigrants mysteriously went missing, purportedly dying while separated from their families.
"Our Man in Beirut" by Matti Friedman sheds light on the little-known Arab Section, an espionage unit that served Israel before and after statehood, comprised mainly of Mizrahi Jews from Arab countries.