Tag: Morality

The article explores the complicated relationship that Jewish people have with power.
The publisher notes that the concept of power in Jewish communal life has shifted from being aspirational to being viewed with suspicion or hostility.
In "A Moral Voice", Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks argues for the importance of the common good in a world dominated by individualism and identity politics.
In this episode of the 18Forty Podcast, Rabbi Jeremy Wieder discusses what the Torah has to say about social justice.
Rabbi Jeremy Wieder joins the 18Forty Podcast to discuss the Torah's perspective on social justice.
In this episode of the 18Forty Podcast, Rabbi Meir Triebitz, a Rosh Yeshiva and expert in science and the Torah, discusses the relationship between the two.
In this episode of the 18Forty Podcast, Rabbi Meir Triebitz, a Rosh Yeshiva and expert in science and the Torah, explores the relationship between the Torah and science.
A recent U.S. operation successfully eliminated Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, sparking a debate on the ethics of hating extraordinarily evil individuals.
Psychologist Nurit Novis-Deutsch suggests that individuals who possess a multifaceted identity are more likely to be tolerant towards those different from themselves, offering a potential solution to growing tribalism.
Abraham Socher's essay "Is Repentance Possible?" discusses the debate on morality between Aristotelian virtue ethics and the Judeo-Christian obedience to laws and commands, highlighting the different views on the cultivation of inner virtue.
"Eye in the Sky" is a gripping film that delves into the moral complexities of drone warfare, focusing on a high-stakes mission aimed at capturing terrorists in Nairobi.
The article discusses Hollywood's approach to religious-themed movies, noting upcoming releases like "Noah," "Son of God," and "Exodus."
Dignity, a central concept in human rights and moral discourse, is explored through various lenses in Jewish and Western thought.