Tag: Orthodox Jews

"Summer Reading" presents three Jewish-themed books: "Bylines and Blessings" by Judy Gruen, describing her journey from secular upbringing to an Orthodox lifestyle, reflecting on her Jewish identity and the challenges faced in contemporary society; "The Things I Told My Patients" by Dr. Jacob L. Freedman, offering insights and advice from his psychiatry career, emphasizing individualized care and self-care tips; and "Mean What You Pray" by Rabbi Shaul Rosenblatt, providing practical guidance on prayer and spirituality, drawing on personal experiences to deepen the reader's connection with Hashem.
The Indianapolis Colts signed a rookie wide receiver named Adonai Mitchell, prompting a dilemma for Jewish football fans due to the use of a Hebrew name for God outside of ritual contexts.
In May, the NYPD recorded 55 antisemitic incidents, the highest since November, with a notable increase from the previous year.
A man was arrested and charged with hate crimes after he aimed his car at Orthodox Jews in Brooklyn, with witnesses reporting that antisemitic slurs were shouted during the attack.
A recent survey conducted by the UJA-Federation of New York reveals that New York City remains home to close to 1 million Jews, with a total of over 1.4 million in the broader region.
The text discusses former President Trump's comments suggesting that Jewish individuals who vote for Democrats hate their religion and Israel.
Former President Donald Trump has repeatedly made statements suggesting that American Jews who vote for Democrats are disloyal to Israel, insinuating a dual loyalty between American Jews and Israel.
Jewish students at Harvard University are experiencing challenges post-October 7, facing a mix of antisemitism and ignorance surrounding Israel and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
The article discusses the evolving acceptance of wearing yarmulkes in professional settings, particularly in the author's experience working at law and accounting firms in New York City.
In Zurich, Switzerland, a 50-year-old Orthodox Jewish man was stabbed and hospitalized with life-threatening injuries in a potential hate crime.
A recent poll in New York suggests that a majority of Jews in the state plan to vote for former President Donald Trump in the upcoming presidential election, favoring him over President Joe Biden.
A recent survey conducted among Orthodox Jews in the U.S. by Nishma Research shows significant differences in attitudes towards Zionism within the Orthodox community.
The author criticizes left-leaning media and political figures for their moral standards and accuses them of defining deviant behavior down.
A man in New Jersey has pleaded guilty to federal hate crimes for a series of violent attacks against Orthodox Jews in the Lakewood area.
A viral story about tunnels under the Chabad headquarters in Crown Heights has been twisted by online bad actors into a modern blood libel.
Three Orthodox Jewish passengers were ordered off a JetBlue flight after they changed seats.
The author discusses the lack of unity among Orthodox Jews, particularly between the Dati (religious Zionist and Modern Orthodox) and Charedi communities in Israel when it comes to military service.
The text includes several letters from readers in a Jewish publication.
Orthodox Jews, who have traditionally leaned conservative in their political affiliations, have expressed support and gratitude for President Biden following his strong stance on defending Israel and condemning Hamas attacks.
In this podcast episode titled "Hunka Hunka Burning Parliament," the focus is on the post-Yom Kippur repentance fest and the resignation of Speaker of the House of Commons, Anthony Rota, who apologized for inviting a Nazi into Parliament.
The New York Times published a correction after inaccurately characterizing Yiddish speakers as monolingual in an article.
The text introduces "Money Talks with Andrew Singer," a podcast that features exclusive content from the "Kosher Money" podcast.
In this text, the author discusses their political leanings as a conservative, influenced by their religious beliefs.
The article explores the conflicts and tensions that often arise when Orthodox Jews move into new communities.
The author reflects on her experience as a single, observant Jewish woman and the challenges she faces in finding a place within the Jewish community.