Tag: Orthodox Jews

In a recent episode, the Israeli election results were analyzed following the country's second national election in five months due to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's previous coalition challenges.
The article by Steve Lipman explores the theme of change through the lens of attorney Benjamin Brafman's experience representing individuals, including Orthodox Jews, who have undergone transformation after being convicted of crimes.
The article discusses the debate within the Orthodox Jewish community regarding LGBTQ+ issues, particularly focusing on the contrasting views of Education Minister Rafi Peretz, who believes in Conversion Therapy, and Rabbi Shlomo Riskin, who emphasizes compassion for queer individuals.
Spider-Man's video game for Playstation 4 features an accurate replication of New York City, including Orthodox Jewish characters with kippot and hats.
Elad Nehorai, a 34-year-old former Hasid in Brooklyn, engaged with Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter discussing Israel and anti-Semitism, leading to a phone conversation between them.
The text discusses the current wave of anti-vaccine hysteria and its impact on various communities, including Orthodox Jews.
In 1958, David Ben-Gurion, Israel's prime minister, asked 51 Jewish scholars for input on defining Jewish identity, particularly in cases of mixed marriages where the mother is not Jewish and the child wants to be registered as Jewish.
In Tel Aviv, a controversy arose over the use of a mechitzah at a religious event in Rabin Square.
In his article "She-Hehiyanu: An Endangered Blessing Species," Johnny Solomon discusses the challenges Orthodox Jews face in reciting the She-Hehiyanu blessing due to technological advancements affecting the availability of seasonal fruits, encounters with close friends, and purchasing new items.
The article discusses a case where a group of Orthodox Jewish men, including rabbis, were involved in a torture-for-hire scheme targeting husbands who refused to grant their wives a Jewish divorce document known as a get.
Alan Kadish discusses the concept of chosenness and bias within the Jewish community, noting a rise in racism and antisemitism in American society and proposing a review of Jewish attitudes towards others.
In a recent case involving Susan Abeles and the Metropolitan Washington Airports Authority (MWAA), a federal court ruled that the MWAA did not fail to reasonably accommodate Abeles' observance of Pesach, despite her absence being classified as Absence Without Leave and leading to her suspension.
In exploring the voting patterns of Orthodox Jews, particularly those in the Modern Orthodox community, the discussion highlights a shift towards supporting Republican candidates.
"Nashim Teens" is a new Hebrew magazine for religious-Zionist girls, often focusing on fashion and consumerism.
In this podcast episode titled "The State of the Spirit (and the Spirit of the State)," Allison, Don, and Noah examine various aspects of religion and spirituality in Israel, including the happiness levels of different Jewish religious groups, the increasing belief in God among secular Jews, and the use of technology by ultra-Orthodox Jews.
On an intermediate day of Sukkot, thousands of Orthodox Jews visit Hershey Park for a festive event combining amusement park rides, Jewish entertainment, and fundraising for various Jewish organizations.
The discussion after the Pew Research report highlights the concerning rate of intermarriage among American Jews, with 58% overall and even higher among non-Orthodox Jews.
In this personal essay, the author reflects on her experience as a single woman during Sukkot, a holiday typically focused on family and harvest.
Jane Eisner, editor of the Jewish Daily Forward, expresses concern over the declining birthrates among young liberal Jews in America, a trend mirrored in society at large due to factors like delayed marriage, secularization, and economic challenges.
The text discusses the trend of beards in fashion and the historical significance of beards in Jewish culture.
In a literary review, Jacob Paul's novel "Sarah/Sara" follows the story of Sarah Frankel, an Orthodox woman who embarks on a kayaking journey in Alaska after a terrorist attack in Jerusalem.
The writer reflects on their journey from being an atheist with a lingering belief in God to facing the paradox after reading Christopher Hitchens' book.
In Johannesburg, South Africa, a new eruv construction sparked opposition due to security concerns, reflecting the unique challenges faced by the Jewish community in a country with a history of high crime rates.
Three Orthodox Jewish men from New Jersey undertook a challenging seven-day climb up Mount Kilimanjaro, motivated by the physical, spiritual, and emotional aspects of the journey.
As Orthodox Jews are traveling to diverse destinations, they face challenges like praying on a plane or dealing with the International Date Line.