Tag: Orthodox Jews

Eric Adams, the incoming mayor of New York City, has rescheduled his inauguration ceremony from noon on Saturday, January 1st to the evening after Shabbat ends.
Dr. Marvin Schick, a prominent advocate for Jewish causes, passed away in April 2020.
The author reflects on their decision to pursue a career in law rather than in rabbinics due to their perceived limitations in Talmudic study and the need for job stability.
In this interview between historians Sylvie Anne Goldberg and Yosef Hayim Yerushalmi, the future of Jews and Judaism is discussed in relation to the availability of different choices for Jewish identity.
Eric Adams, a Democrat, won the NYC mayoral race by a large margin, becoming the first Black mayor since 1993.
Colin Powell's recent passing brought attention to his experiences as a Shabbos goy in his youth, helping observant Jews with tasks on the Sabbath.
Kathy Hochul, who will replace Andrew Cuomo as the governor of New York, has a longstanding relationship with the Jewish community.
In this article, the author discusses the phenomenon of Judeo-English, a linguistic fusion of English with Jewish cultural and religious terminology.
The author explores the possibility of Modern Orthodox kiruv (outreach) and its potential to combat the assimilation and loss of Jewish identity in today's world.
In this article, Rabbi Dr. Josh Joseph discusses the tension between the desire for novelty and the commitment to tradition in Orthodox Judaism.
The Jewish community in the United States is grappling with a surge in antisemitic attacks and a heated debate about how to define and respond to them.
The author reflects on the impact of Donald Trump's presidency on religious conservatives and Orthodox Jews.
The upcoming mayoral race in New York City presents a critical test for the city's Orthodox Jewish voting bloc, which has historically been influential in local elections.
The author discusses the concept of tehum shabbat, which determines the range of permitted walking for Jews on Shabbat.
The Orthodox Jewish community in New York has become a significant voting bloc, with historic turnout in the 2020 election.
President Trump's four years in office have been marked by significant events such as the coronavirus pandemic, economic downturn, impeachment, and controversial decisions affecting American Jews.
The author explores the question of whether the Torah endorses ethnonationalism or universalism.
Orthodox social media groups are spreading prayers for the complete recovery of President Donald Trump, who recently announced testing positive for COVID-19.
The author reflects on his love for benches and the inscriptions found on memorial benches.
Charles Tyrwhitt, the mens clothing brand founded by Nicholas Wheeler, has become a favorite among Orthodox Jews for their white dress shirts.
The article criticizes Mayor Bill de Blasio for singling out New York's Jewish community in enforcing social distancing measures during the COVID-19 pandemic.
The coronavirus outbreak has intensified differences between Orthodox and liberal Jews, with some liberal Jews expressing frustration over the perceived lack of compliance with public health guidelines by certain Orthodox communities.
In episode 215 of "Unorthodox," the hosts discuss secular Tu B'Av, similar to Valentine's Day, and feature the creators of the web series "Soon By You," which focuses on modern Orthodox Jewish singles navigating relationships.
The text discusses the historical development of the Daf Yomi movement, which involves studying a page of the Talmud daily to complete the entire Babylonian Talmud in a seven-and-a-half-year cycle.
The article discusses the recent increase in anti-Semitic attacks against Orthodox Jews, particularly in the New York area, highlighting incidents of physical violence and verbal abuse.