Tag: Orthodox Judaism

"The World Without You" by Joshua Henkin follows a family, the Frankels, as they gather for the memorial of their beloved son and brother Leo, who was killed in Iraq.
Micha Josef Berdyczewski, a former Orthodox Jew turned Hebrew writer, advocated for a departure from traditional Judaism to a more vital Hebrew identity, calling for a transvaluation of values.
In a literary review, Jacob Paul's novel "Sarah/Sara" follows the story of Sarah Frankel, an Orthodox woman who embarks on a kayaking journey in Alaska after a terrorist attack in Jerusalem.
Abraham Joshua Heschel's 1953 speech highlighting the need for more meaningful prayer experiences serves as a backdrop for the rise of over sixty independent minyanim (prayer communities) in the U.S. and Israel since 2000, offering an alternative to traditional synagogues.
In "A Language for The Faithful: Reflections on Tradition" by Meir Buzaglo, the author challenges the prevailing views on moderate traditional Judaism in Israel, emphasizing its spiritual and intellectual integrity.
"Leap of Faith" is a documentary exploring the journeys of individuals and families converting to Orthodox Judaism, highlighting the sacrifices and challenges they face in embracing a new religious life.
The Koren Siddur, a new Hebrew-English prayer book by Koren Publishers edited by Chief Rabbi Sir Jonathan Sacks, competes with the ArtScroll Siddur and offers comprehensive liturgical content.
American Judaism in America, especially non-Orthodox movements like Reform and Conservative, has seen a significant decline over the past few decades, with decreased enrollment in religious education programs, dwindling synagogue affiliations, and declining philanthropic support.
The Jewish Free School (JFS) case in London revolved around a boy, M, whose Jewishness was questioned due to his mother's non-Orthodox conversion.
Omri Casspi, the first Israeli to play in the NBA, interacts with young fans at a basketball camp, while reflecting on his career and the burden of expectations.
In Montreal's Hasidic community, obtaining kosher wine beyond the limited selection at government-owned stores led to an underground network of obtaining and selling wine illegally.
A woman reflects on her journey to becoming a cantor while grappling with her family's religious traditions and gender expectations.
Ahuvah Gray, a former high-powered travel executive, shared her remarkable journey of converting to Judaism at age fifty-one, leaving behind a lucrative career and moving to Israel.
Shoshana Zakar, a convert to Judaism, discovered through an online Jewish discussion group that her initial conversion wasn't recognized.
The article discusses the Orthodox Jewish community's reluctance to embrace Holocaust museums due to their focus on preserving living traditions over displaying historical artifacts.