Tag: Orthodox Judaism

The text delves into the experiences of a person navigating Orthodox Judaism as a queer individual, shedding light on themes of visibility, surveillance, transgression, and family dynamics.
Members of Israel's Haredi community are expressing concern and warning of a potential religious conflict following the Israel Supreme Court's recent ruling that yeshiva students must be drafted into the military.
Rabbi Sharon Kleinbaum, a Reconstructionist rabbi, expresses empathy for LGBTQ individuals but opposes normalization of LGBTQ lifestyles, citing biblical values and the Torah's teachings.
The book "Reclaiming Dignity: A Guide to Tzniut for Men and Women" explores the concept of tzeniut (modesty) from various perspectives, beyond just clothing, as a mitzvah and character trait.
Rabbi Mattisyahu Rosenblum's book "Rays of Wisdom: Torah insights that light up our understanding of the world" delves into the legacy of Rabbi Moshe Shapira, highlighting his profound Torah teachings and intellectual impact beyond the yeshivah world.
A group of rabbis, including Rebecca Alpert, met with the UN Secretary General to support the call for a ceasefire in Gaza and criticized Israel's actions.
In this episode of the 18Forty Podcast sponsored by Joel and Lynn Mael, Rabbi Adam J. Raskin, a Conservative rabbi, and his Orthodox daughter Mia Raskin discuss how their family navigates denominational differences, shedding light on the real-world implications of Jewish denominations in daily life.
Moishele Alfonso recounts the heartwarming tale of his unexpected bond with a Hasidic Jewish woman named Rivke in Miami.
The text discusses the author's experiences as a Jewish individual in both America and Israel, highlighting encounters with different attitudes towards Judaism and Israel.
Mordechai Hager, founder and CEO of Regah Ventures, shared insights on Torah, business, and personal anecdotes with the interviewer.
Dr. Marc B. Shapiro discusses the origins and distinctions among various Jewish sects like Reform, Conservative, yeshivish, and Modern Orthodox in the 18Forty Podcast.
Journalist Reuven Fenton's debut novel "Goyhood" explores the story of Martin Belkin, an Orthodox Jewish man who discovers in middle age that he is not Jewish according to rabbinic law.
"Goyhood" is Reuven Fenton's debut novel following the lives of twin brothers David and Marty Belkin from adolescence in New Moab, Georgia to middle age, where their divergent paths culminate in a road trip revealing family secrets.
Orthodox Judaism is often seen as an equalizer due to shared religious obligations such as living in the same neighborhoods and sending children to the same schools, fostering relationships regardless of wealth.
Sarah Schenirer, a significant figure in Jewish education, founded the Bais Yaakov network in Poland over a century ago, providing Orthodox Jewish girls with both religious and secular education.
The author reflects on their personal journey of Jewish affiliation, revealing a deep connection to Orthodox Judaism stemming from a family history where Jewish life was actively maintained.
The article discusses a reader's dilemma about a coworker who never combs her hair, impacting her credibility.
The text criticizes a recent statement by the Moetzes Gedolei Torah of Agudas Yisrael in America, highlighting logical and historical contradictions in their position on military service and Torah study.
Chef Rossi, raised in a lowly Orthodox Jewish home in New Jersey, rebelled in her youth and was sent to live in Crown Heights, Brooklyn, with a Chabad rabbi due to perceived bad influences.
Young adult novels like "Cool for the Summer" and "Miss You Love You Hate You Bye" are reshaping the depiction of Jewish teens in literature by offering diverse representations that go beyond historical or religious contexts.
Prominent figures in the Jewish community and beyond have shared heartwarming stories highlighting the kindness and menschlichkeit of the late Joseph Lieberman, the first Orthodox Jew to serve in the US Senate and run for vice president.
An Orthodox Jewish student from Yeshiva University recounts their journey of grappling with their views on the Israel-Palestine conflict.
In an interview with Abby Schachter, an Orthodox Jew and Republican academic program manager, she expresses concerns about the Democratic Party moving away from its historically pro-Israel stance and emphasizes the need for Jews to form different social and political coalitions.
Aryeh Shmuel, a Jewish man who had interactions with O.J. Simpson, reflects on the Simpson case, emphasizing that it was more of a family tragedy than a racial issue.
David Wolkinson, an Orthodox Jewish real estate investor and Republican-leaning voter, emphasizes national security as his top priority in politics, expressing concern over Trump's handling of foreign policy, particularly regarding Ukraine and Russia.