Tag: Orthodox Judaism

The author of the text reflects on their early years in a Soviet Jewish household, disconnected from their Jewish heritage, but finding solace in Jewish literature which offered a connection to their roots.
The article discusses the complex issue of dating with a mental disorder within the Orthodox Jewish community.
Jewish Action explores the topic of dating with a mental disorder, particularly within the Orthodox Jewish community, where mental health concerns can significantly impact family life.
In the wake of the tragic Pittsburgh massacre in 2018, major Orthodox organizations unequivocally condemned the attack but hesitated to denounce white nationalism as its cause, with some attributing this reluctance to the Orthodox support for Trump and right-wing politics.
In Israel, the Chief Rabbinate holds a monopoly on Jewish marriages, leading to limitations such as Orthodox control, prohibiting Reform or Conservative ceremonies, and questioning the Jewish status of immigrants.
Yechezkel Nakar, an Orthodox Jewish man, was declared dead based on brain death criteria despite his heart continuing to beat for three weeks after his death at a NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital/Columbia Medical Center.
Rabbi Shlomo Carlebach, a prominent figure in the development of Neo-Hasidism, was known for his music, storytelling, and teachings that aimed to renew contemporary Jewish life through the lens of Hasidism.
In "I Will Await Him" by Yirmiyahu Cohen, a thought-provoking case against the State of Israel from a Halakhic perspective is presented, advocating for anti-Zionism and asserting that the State's establishment violates Jewish law.
David Ben Moshe, a black man who converted to Orthodox Judaism after a criminal past, is facing bureaucratic challenges in gaining Israeli citizenship despite being recognized as Jewish.
Aliza Bloch, a religious Zionist woman, is running for mayor in Beit Shemesh, aiming to unite the fractured community.
The response challenges Rabbi Avi Shafran's article claiming that Orthodox women are safer due to gender halachot, highlighting the prevalence of sexual abuse and harassment in Orthodox communities.
The article challenges the idea that modesty can prevent sexual assault, discussing perspectives from various religious backgrounds like Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.
The text discusses the #MeToo movement's impact on societal attitudes towards the treatment of women, highlighting the prevalence of sexual abuse and objectification in modern culture.
The first essay discusses the unexpected popularity of the Korean Talmud in South Korea, with scholars examining whether the fascination reflects admiration or anti-Semitism, driven potentially by the pressures of globalization and a desire for Jewish wisdom and success secrets.
Allan Arkush raises concerns about the future of Jewish life in the American melting pot, asserting that Orthodoxy seems to be the most sustainable approach for Jewish survival in the United States due to its solid convictions and communal structure.
The article reflects on the nature of faith, particularly within the context of Orthodox Judaism, focusing on the interplay between belief, rational arguments, and personal experiences.
Rabbi Benny Lau and Rabbi Aharon Lichtenstein engaged in a debate regarding physical disabilities and the priestly service in the Third Temple.
Rabbi Nachum Rabinovitch, a modern and highly knowledgeable scholar, has produced an extensive 23-volume commentary called Yad Peshutah on Moses Maimonides' Mishneh Torah, focusing on elucidating the straightforward meaning of the text and emphasizing Maimonides' philosophical consistency.
The article discusses the challenges faced by young Jewish individuals within the Orthodox community in navigating the shidduch system, highlighting the struggles of a student named Rena and the limitations of relying solely on professional shadchanim to find a match.
Rabbi Jason Weiner's book, "Jewish Guide to Practical Medical Decision Making," provides a clear and compassionate guide to navigating medical dilemmas in line with Jewish law (halakhah).
An Israeli reporter convinced Dr. Daniel Brown to share his story of being Hitler's nephew's grandson and a Jew, leading to public sensationalism and traumatic consequences for his family.
Rabbi Herschel Schacter, a young Orthodox rabbi, entered the Buchenwald Concentration Camp in April 1945 as part of the American Army after serving in various locations.
A woman from an Orthodox Jewish background reflects on her experiences with sexuality and intimacy, highlighting the challenges faced by religious girls in discussing these topics due to societal taboos and restrictions.
The text presents a symposium on women's roles in Orthodox Judaism, focusing on their religious experiences and how to support them throughout their lives in fostering a relationship with God.
In the symposium discussing women's roles in Orthodox Judaism, Tamar Snyder Chaitovsky highlights the challenges faced by women in their thirties juggling familial, professional, and spiritual obligations in the Modern Orthodox community.