Tag: Palestinian Resistance

The text discusses the ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas, highlighting Hamas's aim to eliminate Israel and create a region free of Jews.
The text discusses the failure of a $320-million American humanitarian pier built in Gaza, which Palestinians did not want and which suffered structural issues.
Rep. Rashida Tlaib spoke at the Peoples Conference for Palestine in Detroit alongside individuals tied to a U.S.-designated terrorist group, the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP).
Israeli educators, both Palestinian and Jewish, are facing suspensions, firings, and legal action for expressing critical views on Israel's actions in the Gaza war, support for Palestinian resistance, and other contentious issues.
Israeli fans defied warnings not to attend the 2024 Eurovision Song Contest due to concerns over safety following Oct. 7 events.
The text explores the historical roots of Muslim hostility towards Jews, citing events like the Battle of Khaybar in 628 CE as well as more recent instances of violence against Jews, such as the Peasants Revolt in 1834.
The text discusses the author's disappointment and heartbreak over Irish feminists' failure to support Jewish victims of gender-based violence, highlighting instances where feminists ignored or downplayed the atrocities faced by Jewish women and girls at the hands of terrorists.
Columbia University is investigating an event where speakers expressed support for Palestinian terror groups and encouraged armed resistance against Israel.
In this discussion, the challenges of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, particularly the situation in Gaza, are explored.
In this article, the author reflects on the tendency for people to engage in what they call the "Black and White" game in politics, where one party or movement is seen as entirely good and the other as entirely bad.
During an anti-Israel protest in New York City, at least two protesters displayed signs featuring swastikas.
Protective presence activism, in which Israeli and international activists physically accompany Palestinians to protect them from settler violence in the West Bank, is facing challenges in the face of increased settler aggression and militarization.
In this article, the author answers questions from children and teenagers about the conflict between Israel and Hamas.
Hundreds of protesters, including Jewish organizations, gathered outside the Israeli consulate in New York City for an Emergency Rally for Gaza.
This article is a diary written by a Gazan essayist about her experience during the recent round of bombings in the Gaza Strip.
The author discusses the ongoing conflict between Israel and Palestinian militant groups in Gaza and criticizes the Israeli government's approach to managing the conflict.
In recent weeks, there has been a surge of violence in Israel/Palestine, with attacks by both Palestinians and Israelis resulting in casualties.