Tag: Personal Transformation

A Japanese man from a family of Samurai shares his journey of becoming an Orthodox Jew and draws surprising parallels between the two cultures.
Amanda Spiro shares her journey of being diagnosed with cancer at a young age and how the experience led her to discover her Jewish faith and sense the presence of a higher power in her life.
"Gratitude with Grace: An Inspirational and Practical Approach to Living Life as a Gift" by Sarah S. Berkovits explores the power of gratitude through real-life stories, scientific research, and guided imagery exercises.
This text is a personal reflection by the author on her father, Bruce Margolin, who is a criminal defense attorney and advocate for marijuana legalization.
The article "A Conversion Narrative of Sorts" written by Kelsey Osgood explores the author's personal journey of converting to Judaism.
The text explores the author's journey towards embracing kashrut by relinquishing non-kosher foods, particularly bacon, which held special significance for him.
In this reflective piece titled "My Last JDate," the author recounts her foray into online dating on JDate after 30 years of marriage and two years of loneliness.