Tag: Populism

Raphal Glucksmann, a Jewish intellectual and leader of Frances Socialist Party, has made significant strides in his political career, now polling at 15% in the EU elections.
The text discusses the global confrontation between liberal democracy and populism/totalitarianism that threatens universal values.
The Ohio Senate primary is a battleground between two Republican candidates with contrasting foreign policy stances.
Republican strategist Nachama Soloveichik, a key figure in Nikki Haley's presidential campaign, believes the Republican Party is undergoing a midlife crisis characterized by a shift towards neo-isolationism under Donald Trump's influence.
Tom Nichols' new book, "Our Own Worst Enemy: The Assault From Within on Modern Democracy," criticizes the masses for their ignorance and stupidity, arguing that they pose a threat to American democracy.
Julius Rogenhofer from the University of Cambridge examines how nationalist-populist movements have impacted various countries, including Turkey, India, and Israel, each influenced by their unique social, ethnic, and religious divisions.
Prof. Jan Werner Muller delves into the topic of populism and its impact on democracy in his book, questioning how constitutions can safeguard against populist threats, exploring the intersection of Christian democracy, conservatism, and populism, and addressing how democratic societies can handle outliers.
In this podcast episode, Prof. Jan Werner Muller explores the topic of populism and its implications for democracy.
The resurgence of COVID-19 infections in the United States has prompted states to retract their reopening plans, causing concern among the hosts of the COMMENTARY podcast.
In this episode of Tel Aviv Review, Prof. Dani Filc from Ben Gurion University explores the topic of populism in Israel.
In a discussion led by Prof. Dani Filc from Ben Gurion University, the uniqueness of Israeli political populism is explored in comparison to global populist movements.
Tablet is proud to announce Michael Lind as its newest columnist.
Scholars Cristbal Rovira Kaltwasser and Cas Mudde offer an accessible overview of populism for a broad audience, covering its various manifestations across the political spectrum.
Scholars Rovira Kaltwasser and Mudde offer an accessible overview of populism for a broad audience, discussing its various forms across the political spectrum and regions, highlighting its impact on democracies.
In a recent discussion, Allison Kaplan Sommer, Don Futterman, and Noah Efron cover three main topics: the merging of far-right religious parties in Israel and its implications for religious Zionism, the long-standing claims of Yemeni and Iraqi Jewish immigrants about missing babies, and a reflection on the significant people, events, and trends of the past decade in Israel.
Allison Kaplan Sommer, Don Futterman, and Noah Efron explore the current state of religious Zionism as a mild religious party aligns with a far-right party, questioning the political and moral implications.
Dr. Yaniv Roznai, an Israeli law scholar, discusses the threat populist leaders pose to democracy, particularly the constitution.
Matthew Goodwin, in collaboration with Roger Eatwell, explores the rise of a specific style of nationalist politics in various countries like Hungary, Brazil, Italy, the UK, and the US, questioning if this trend is entirely new or has historical roots.
Matthew Goodwin, co-author of "National Populism: The Revolt Against Liberal Democracy," explores the rise of a distinctive nationalist political style in countries like Hungary, Brazil, Italy, the UK, and the US.
In the aftermath of the Pittsburgh massacre, the author chose to spend Shabbat attending a debate between David Frum and Steve Bannon instead of going to synagogue as part of a call to resist populism.
Yoram Hazony's book, "The Virtue of Nationalism," delves into the revival of nationalism in response to liberal imperialism embodied by entities like the European Union, arguing that independent, self-determining states promote human freedom and are less prone to conflict than empires.
Dr. Dror Yinon from Bar-Ilan University discusses a recent series of lectures on Existentialism at the Van Leer Jerusalem Institute, highlighting the enduring importance of this philosophical tradition in today's world marked by populism and post-truth.
Anshel Pfeffer's biography delves into the enduring mystique and political leadership of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.
Anshel Pfeffer explores the enduring reign of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in his biography, highlighting Netanyahu's blend of intellect, populism, legal acumen, family loyalty, and self-promotion.
In the play "Last Exit Before Brexit," philosopher Bernard-Henri Lévy passionately argues against Brexit, seeing it as damaging for both Britain and Europe.