Tag: Public Relations

The author, a Kollel wife living in Israel, reflects on feeling caught in a "strange space in the middle" amid challenging times for Klal Yisrael.
Amidst escalating violence in the Middle East, there is a growing misconception that Israel's defensive actions against Hamas amount to genocide, as criticism of Israel's military actions continues to rise.
A recent Israeli ad featured on Hulu portrays an idealized version of Gaza with images of a Mediterranean paradise, highlighting aspects like DJs, hotels, and happy people, concluding with a call to "Visit Gaza. Without Hamas."
Jonathan Conricus, former international spokesperson for the Israel Defense Forces (IDF), discusses his role in defending Israel amid a surge of anti-Jewish and anti-Israeli propaganda in the media.
This article discusses the inappropriate and insensitive ways in which some brands and influencers have exploited the Israel-Hamas war for marketing purposes.
The author argues that Israel's usual defenders are trying to win over the wrong kinds of people with the wrong kinds of arguments in the wrong kinds of places.
Tablet Magazine is seeking to hire a cheerleader-in-chief to oversee marketing, public relations, and audience development for their podcasts.