Tag: Schindler's List

Este fin de semana, Steven Spielberg pronunció un poderoso discurso en la Universidad del Sur de California, donde fue honrado por su labor en preservar la memoria del Holocausto a través de la Fundación Shoah que fundó.
Renowned filmmaker Steven Spielberg, honored at a ceremony at the University of Southern California for his Holocaust remembrance work, warned about rising antisemitism on college campuses and denounced extremism.
"Vishniac" is a documentary film about the life and work of photographer Roman Vishniac, known for his images of European Jewish life and microscopic organisms.
Escambia County in Florida is facing a lawsuit over its decision to remove over 1,600 books from its schools, including Anne Frank's original diary and Schindler's List.
As the 30th anniversary of the film approaches, it is important to reevaluate Steven Spielberg's Schindler's List.
In this episode of the Jewish Lives Podcast, Molly Haskell, author of "Steven Spielberg: A Life in Films," discusses the career and impact of the renowned filmmaker.
In this episode of Unorthodox, the hosts cover a range of topics including figure skaters performing to "Schindler's List" music, a conversation with Sarah Hurwitz about her book on finding Judaism's deeper meaning, and an interview with Jackson Crawford, an expert in Old Norse mythology.
In this poetic and philosophical text by Zohar Atkins, a discussion among heavenly ministers reflects on God's actions during a fast day.
Holocaust survivor and Schindler's List producer Branko Lustig, aged 83, is donating his Oscar statuette to Yad Vashem, the Holocaust memorial and museum in Jerusalem, stating that it is where the award should be kept after his death.
The article discusses a list of 10 movies suitable for International Holocaust Remembrance Day, excluding some well-known choices like "The Diary of Anne Frank" and "Life is Beautiful."
"Saving Private Ryan," directed by Steven Spielberg, at its core, portrays an act of compassion mirroring Jewish law and custom, reflecting the biblical principle of shiluach haken and emphasizing the importance of filial piety.
The article discusses the significance of Emil Katz, a Holocaust survivor, whose Kiddush was featured in the opening scene of "Schindler's List".