Tag: Self Awareness

A personal reflection on embracing the mitzvah of tzeniut (modesty) as a transformative journey from external appearance to internal qualities, shaping behavior and fostering mindfulness in observance of other mitzvot.
Tzenius, often translated as modesty, holds a deeper meaning revolving around an inner focus on spirituality and self-worth.
Mia Faye Kreindler, a daughter of a Jewish father and a German mother, shares her journey of grappling with her identity, particularly in relation to her mixed heritage and the legacy of the Holocaust.
In the article "The Psychology of Hope Amid Crisis," the author explores the role of hope in helping individuals cope with distress and tragedies, particularly relevant to the current challenges faced by the Jewish community.
The article discusses understanding human behavior by comparing it to scientific phenomena like sound creation.
In this personal reflection, a rabbi discusses how their students give them hope for the future.
The article discusses the value of feeling appreciated and the impact it can have on individuals.
The Yemima Method is a Israeli psychological-spiritual approach developed by Yemima Avital, a unique teacher who viewed herself as a channel for heavenly teachings.
The legend of Narcissus, as retold by Ovid, involves a young man overly obsessed with his own beauty, leading to tragic consequences.