Tag: Shavuot

In the 2023 Conversion Episode, the focus is on Jewish journeys, including stories of people finding their way to Judaism and discussions about interfaith relationships.
In this episode, the hosts of the Unorthodox podcast discuss different aspects of Jewish journeys and experiences.
In this episode of Kylie Unell's podcast miniseries, "49 Days to Stretch My Soul," the focus is on Malchut (meaning "kingdom" or "queenship") during the seventh week of counting the Omer.
In this podcast episode, Harvard professor Jon Levenson discusses the significance of the book of Ruth, which is traditionally studied during the holiday of Shavuot.
In this podcast episode, Jon Levenson, a Harvard professor, discusses the moral force of the biblical Book of Ruth, which is traditionally studied by Jews during the holiday of Shavuot.
In this personal essay, the author reflects on their experience as a convert to Judaism and discusses the discomfort they feel with the label "convert."
The article discusses the tradition of staying up all night on Shavuot, the holiday commemorating the receiving of the Torah.
The Tosefta presents an alternative interpretation of the revelation at Mount Sinai, suggesting that the Israelites' declaration of naaseh ve-nishma (we will do and we will listen) was an act of deception and geneivat daat (theft of consciousness).
The article explores the concept of modesty in the biblical character of Ruth.
The article discusses the rules of conversion to Judaism in biblical times and in the Talmudic period, highlighting the changes in the requirements and processes.
Sour cream holds a special place in Jewish cuisine, with a variety of dishes commonly topped or mixed with it.
In this podcast episode of "49 Days to Stretch My Soul," Kylie Unell explores the theme of connection and foundation in the context of counting the Omer, the Jewish tradition of the 49 days between Passover and Shavuot.
In this podcast episode, Kylie Unell explores the Jewish tradition of counting the Omer, the 49 days between Passover and Shavuot, with a unique daily practice.
In this episode of the podcast miniseries "49 Days to Stretch My Soul," host Kylie Unell explores the Jewish concept of Netzach, meaning endurance and perseverance.
In this special weekly edition of Kylie Unell's podcast mini-series, 49 Days to Stretch My Soul, she explores the Jewish tradition of counting the Omer.
In this podcast episode, Kylie Unell explores the theme of Gevurah, which relates to discipline and restraint, during the second week of counting the Omer.
In this podcast miniseries, Kylie Unell explores the Jewish tradition of counting the Omer, a 49-day period between Passover and Shavuot.
Tablet Studios has released a new podcast called "49 Days to Stretch My Soul," hosted by Kylie Unell.
Jewish neighborhoods in Los Angeles have experienced an increase in antisemitic attacks, including physical assaults and racial slurs.
This article discusses the connection between the song "Rozhinkes mit mandln" (Raisins and Almonds) and the holiday of Shavuot.
In this episode of Unorthodox, the hosts discuss conversion to Judaism in celebration of the Book of Ruth, which tells the story of the first convert.
The article discusses the consequences of the decline of local news outlets and the rise of national news and social media.
The custom of staying up all night to learn Torah on Shavuot is believed to be a way of atoning for our ancestors' failure to be awake during the Revelation at Sinai.
The author reflects on how their obsession with their Peloton exercise bike parallels their observance of Judaism.
The Book of Ruth, read on Shavuot, tells the story of Ruth, a Moabite woman who marries an Israelite man and stays devoted to her mother-in-law after his death.