Tag: Shavuot

Vicki Belovski shares her recent experiences surrounding her daughter's wedding, discussing the blessings given before the chupah, the significance of being like the biblical matriarchs, and the joy of separate dancing at weddings.
The text discusses the Jewish perspective on inclusion, equity, and justice, particularly in the context of recent debates within the community.
The article reflects on the Jewish people's historical struggles with external conflicts and internal turmoil, drawing parallels between the Israelites' journey in the wilderness and contemporary challenges.
The Etgar Quiz no 273 features questions on various Jewish topics.
Chaim Saiman, a renowned scholar of Jewish law, delves into the fundamental basis of Jewish law, known as halakhah, which is rooted in the revelation of the Ten Commandments to Moses at Mount Sinai.
In this episode, Linda Gradstein, Allison Kaplan Sommer, and Noah Efron discuss the rescue of hostages from Gaza, Benny Gantz's departure from the government, and the celebration of Shavuot in Israel after months of war.
The newsletter shares personal reflections on parenting milestones and the joys of summer with family.
The author reflects on recent events in Israeli society, including proposed changes to exemption laws for ultra-Orthodox individuals and a disturbing suicide of a reservist with PTSD.
The article discusses the concept of social contracts and covenants, drawing parallels between historical events like the American War of Independence and the French Revolution with the Jewish covenant at Mt. Sinai.
Alexandria Fanjoy Silver, a proud advocate for Toronto's Jewish community, converted to Judaism in 2009 after feeling a strong connection to the religion since childhood.
Alexandria Fanjoy Silver, who converted to Judaism twice, shares her journey as a proud advocate for Toronto's Jewish community.
The Hostages and Missing Families Forum recently released a special Shavuot cookbook featuring 75 recipes, each accompanied by a photo and a description of a hostage, some deceased and some still in captivity.
The Book of Ruth is often seen as a tale of loyalty and selflessness, focusing on Ruth's dedication to her mother-in-law Naomi and the eventual lineage of King David.
The author describes their journey through grief after their mother's death, reflecting on their relationship with her and their struggle to write following her passing.
Jewish tradition encourages staying up all night studying Torah on Shavuot to rectify the mistake of the ancient Israelites oversleeping when receiving the Torah at Mount Sinai.
The text discusses the Mishnah tractate Bikkurim, focusing on Chapter 3's visual description of the Shavuot procession and the communal journey to the Temple to offer first fruits.
A collection of savory Shavuot cheese recipes is highlighted, offering a range of dishes beyond the traditional sweet cheesecake.
Chef Vered Guttman hosts a Zoominar exploring the tradition of delicious dairy dishes for Shavuot, the harvest holiday celebrating receiving the Torah.
The text discusses the evolving role of women in Torah study and education, highlighting how women are now actively engaged in learning and teaching Torah across various Jewish communities, thanks to movements like Beit Yaakov and educational initiatives promoting female involvement.
While it's not necessary to have a rabbi officiate a wedding, there are advantages to doing so, as they can provide spiritual guidance and help couples connect to Jewish traditions and values.
Cottage cheese, a long-standing Jewish staple, plays a significant role in Shavuot recipes due to its dairy nature symbolizing the nourishing aspect of the Torah.
The author reflects on the experience of mourning a miscarriage alongside the celebration of Shavuot, drawing parallels between the loss of their unborn child and the miscarriage of the first tablets at Mount Sinai.
New York is celebrating Shavuot 2024 with a variety of events across the city.
The text explores the contrast between the absence of Moshe in the Passover Haggadah and his central role on Shavuot in mediating the giving of the Torah.
From June 7 to June 14, important Jewish observances include Shabbat and Shavuot timings.