Tag: Shavuot

The text discusses the significance of Mount Sinai as the location where God gave the Torah to the Israelites, emphasizing its choice as a public and ownerless wilderness to prevent exclusivity and tribal claims.
Shavuot is discussed as an all-night holiday commemorating the giving of the Torah.
The article presents a selection of twenty diverse and delicious cheesecake recipes perfect for Shavuot celebrations, ranging from traditional to innovative versions.
Israel is considering a ceasefire proposal, involving staged releases of hostages and prisoner exchanges with Hamas, brokered through the Qataris and supported by Joe Biden.
The article discusses the author's enthusiasm for cherries and introduces a recipe for Sweet Cherry Quick Jam.
During the period between Passover and Shavuot known as The Omer, marked by counting 49 days, parallels are drawn between historical tragedies and current events, particularly highlighting the plight of hostages in Gaza.
Shavuot is celebrated with indulgent treats like cheesecake, and this recipe offers a decadent Maltesers cheesecake that is easy to make without baking.
The article discusses the challenging period between Passover and Shavuot, known as the Omer, marked by not cutting hair and historical significance tied to tragedies.
The author announces their upcoming scholar-in-residence position at Agudat Achim in Bradley Beach, NJ, for Shavuot, where they will be unavailable for a subsequent Shabbat event in Israel.
Yizkor is a communal memorial service held four times a year in Jewish synagogues, including Passover, reflecting on the memory of loved ones.
Former Senator Joe Lieberman was widely admired for his steadfast commitment to observing Shabbat, despite the challenges it posed during his career as a United States senator.
The author reflects on their childhood in the kibbutz of Kfar Aza, which was recently attacked and left in ruins.
Sukkot is described as a cherished Jewish holiday, distinct from others due to its emphasis on joy, nature, and earth-based rituals.
Clore Tikva, a primary school in Redbridge, received an outstanding rating for its Jewish studies program, surpassing its previous inspection.
The article discusses the connection between ice cream and Jewish traditions, particularly in relation to the holiday of Shavuot.
The Commentary Magazine podcast will not be releasing episodes in honor of the Jewish holiday of Shavuot and Memorial Day, with regular episodes resuming on Tuesday.
In this discussion, readers are asked to share what they are cooking or eating for the holiday of Shavuot or the long weekend.
Israeli literary figure Etgar Keret discusses defending democracy, storytelling, and heartwarming stories about his late mother in a recent interview.
This article discusses the increasing opportunities for women to study Torah and the impact it is having on Jewish communities.
In this speech delivered at West Point, the author highlights the value of being uncool and uncomfortable, drawing parallels to Jewish history and identity.
The author points out the absence of Moses in the celebration of Shavuot, a holiday that commemorates the giving of the law.
As we approach the festival of Shavuot, the author discusses the story of Ruth, a convert in Jewish history.
This article discusses the tradition of eating dairy products on the holiday of Shavuot and provides a brief explanation for this custom.
This newsletter includes a recipe for Frangipane Cheesecake Spirals, a delicious dessert for Shavuot or springtime.
This article provides four Shavuot recipes: Easy Summertime Peach and Arugula Salad, Fried Caprese Skewers with Balsamic Reduction, Quesadillas, and Stuffed Dates with Goat Cheese.