Tag: Shekhinah

In the Torah, unique bracket-shaped markings known as inverted nuns are found surrounding Numbers 10:35-36, evolving over 2000 years with various interpretations.
Rabbi Dov Singer discusses the importance of focusing on both boundaries and the content of education.
The Ushpizin Edition refers to an ancient Sukkot tradition called Ushpizin, meaning Guests, where people invite various individuals, including those in need of a meal, to eat with them in their Sukkah.
The Ushpizin Edition podcast explores the ancient Sukkot tradition of Ushpizin, where guests are invited to share a meal in the Sukkah.
In "Life Between the Lines," Rav Dov Zinger discusses the importance of not just focusing on boundaries and content in education but also on the subtle interactions and conversations that occur between students and teachers.
Contemporary Jewish poet Yehoshua November explores the connection between poetry, mysticism, and intimacy, delving into the symbolism of The Song of Songs as representing the relationship between God and the Jewish people.
The text, "Hollow Land" by Zohar Atkins, is part of a longer work focusing on the theme of mourning and data overload in today's society.