Tag: Social Distancing

As the High Holidays approach, synagogues are grappling with how to handle COVID-19.
The COVID class war in America is not just a political divide between left and right, but also has elements of a class struggle.
During the COVID-19 pandemic, Tel Aviv residents have adapted to the restrictions by embracing a new picnic culture.
The author reflects on their ideal synagogue, which is characterized by solitude and minimal distractions.
The COVID-19 pandemic has forced many couples to rethink their wedding plans.
This article reflects on the Orthodox Jewish community's response to the COVID-19 crisis, particularly in New York City.
The Syrian Jewish community in Deal, New Jersey, has shown its entrepreneurial spirit during the pandemic by finding innovative ways to grow their businesses.
The COVID-19 pandemic has led to significant changes in Jewish ritual practice.
The article discusses celebrating Sukkot in a year filled with uncertainty, drawing parallels between the current state of affairs and the holiday's themes of dwelling in flimsy huts during a time of wandering and uncertainty for the Jewish people.
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, many bar and bat mitzvah celebrations have been disrupted or adapted to virtual platforms such as Zoom.
This article reflects on the Democratic National Convention and discusses the significance of Joe Biden's speeches.
The COVID-19 pandemic has significantly impacted Shabbat dinners, with smaller gatherings and changes in traditional practices.
In this podcast episode, Government Relations Manager Aaron Weinberg discusses how the Israel Policy Forum's work on Capitol Hill is adapting to social distancing measures.
The article discusses the challenges and inconsistencies in relying solely on "official science" during the COVID-19 pandemic.
The article discusses the case of the Diamond Princess cruise ship, where passengers were quarantined on board after some tested positive for coronavirus.
In the Outremont neighborhood of Montreal, Hasidic residents have been praying on their balconies during COVID-19, creating a sense of harmony and cultural exchange.
The article criticizes Mayor Bill de Blasio for singling out New York's Jewish community in enforcing social distancing measures during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Throughout American history, the story of the Exodus has provided inspiration during times of uncertainty, danger, and hardship.
The coronavirus outbreak has intensified differences between Orthodox and liberal Jews, with some liberal Jews expressing frustration over the perceived lack of compliance with public health guidelines by certain Orthodox communities.
Israel seems to be close to forming a new government after a series of elections.
The author shares their experience of sitting shiva alone for their father during the pandemic.
The author reflects on missing the opportunity to say Kaddish for their father's yahrzeit due to the closure of their synagogue during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Passover this year presents new challenges with socially distanced Seders, but Tablet's Seder guide in episode 222 offers support and guidance with steps of the Seder, special guests, Passover music, and recommendations for a modern Haggadah available online.
An IDF veteran reflects on the profound impact of Covid-19 on the world, recognizing the need for agility and innovation in the face of changing circumstances.
Producer Josh Kross creates a Havdalah service to bring light into Saturday night during social distancing.