Tag: Soldiers

Despite a coercive Chief Rabbinate in Israel, a trend is emerging where some secular Israelis are voluntarily adopting religious customs such as wearing tzitzit, baking challah, or lighting Shabbat candles in response to the war in Gaza.
The article discusses the deep emotional impact of IDF soldiers' deaths, highlighting the sacrifice and dedication of these individuals to protect their people.
Despite ongoing danger from Hezbollah attacks and a mandatory evacuation order in the area, a shawarma restaurant in Kiryat Shmona, Israel, named Baguette Shlomi, has continued to operate to serve soldiers who remain in the nearly deserted city.
The diary entries of an IDF soldier reflect on the ongoing war, sacrifices, and experiences in Gaza over the course of four months.
In this episode of Home Front, important topics are discussed.
This article is a personal account of a woman whose husband is serving in the Israeli army during a time of war.
This diary entry provides insight into the experience of an IDF soldier during a war.
In this episode of Home Front, the focus is on Israel's diplomatic efforts to deter Hezbollah.
In the wake of the war in Israel, individuals and communities across the Jewish diaspora unite to support soldiers and civilians in Israel.
Rav Yisroel Bunim Schreiber, a prominent figure in the Israeli charedi community, recently sparked controversy with his remarks about soldiers in the IDF.
In the discussion between Donniel Hartman and Yossi Klein Halevi, they delve into the concept of resilience in the face of loss, particularly focusing on how soldiers cope with trauma from combat in Gaza and the emotional impact of attending funerals for fallen soldiers in Israel.
Dan Senor discusses the release of hostages from Gaza and the instructions given to Israeli soldiers who will care for the children, including how to address their questions like "Where are Mommy and Daddy?"
The article features personal accounts from three young Israelis about their experiences during the recent war in Israel.
Amidst the ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas, Israelis are living under the constant threat of violence, grappling with the dual objectives of eliminating Hamas while ensuring the safe return of hostages and protecting soldiers.
The author, an Israeli resident in the community of Shitim, describes the impact of the recent Hamas attack on Israel.