Tag: Spiritual Journey

Rabbi Beni Wajnberg, spiritual leader at Beth Jacob Synagogue in Hamilton, Ont., believes that synagogue members should be active participants in their community rather than simply paying dues.
When Lawrence Vincent's son Kit was diagnosed with terminal cancer, it led Lawrence on a spiritual journey to Judaism for comfort, as depicted in Kit's documentary "Red Herring."
A video showcasing the journey of Nicolle Rubinstein, from being not religious to becoming a Chabad emissary in Tamarindo, Costa Rica.
A woman recounts her spiritual journey from feeling lost in Singapore and at Harvard to ultimately converting to Judaism and exploring the Jewish perspective on leading a meaningful life.
For a Jewish woman married to a Muslim man wondering how to raise their son, an Orthodox perspective underscores the importance of following Jewish teachings and nurturing the child's Jewish identity based on their Jewish mother, while a Progressive view suggests a flexible approach that separates religious status, identity, and education to allow the child to feel at home in both faiths.
Donato Manduzio, a man from an Italian village, embarked on a journey to revive what he believed to be a forgotten Jewish faith after reading the Bible.
The new movie adaptation of Judy Blume's classic novel "Are You There, God? It's Me, Margaret" explores the spiritual journey of its protagonist, Margaret, in addition to her experiences of puberty and middle school.
Avrum Rosensweig is a guest on the Not That Kind of Rabbi podcast, where he discusses his views on God, his personal journey towards and away from the concept of God, and the symbolic act of throwing out his yellow suede shoes.
This podcast explores the questions of how the soul ended up in our bodies and what transpired before that.
Avi Nimmer, a former friend from the Nesiya summer program, has become Soul Warrior Avi, a spiritual leader and yoga instructor in Los Angeles.
The author, who was raised as a devout Catholic, recounts their journey to finding Judaism in an unlikely place - Helena, Montana.
In this episode of the 18Forty Podcast, Senator Joe Lieberman discusses the gift of Shabbos.
In this episode of the 18Forty Podcast, they speak with Alex Clare, a singer and baal teshuva, about navigating change and the role of "what if" questions.
The text discusses Paul Saltzman's unique life journey, where he shares how after a difficult encounter with his father, he sought guidance from his soul, went through a breakup, and ultimately had a transformative experience meeting the Beatles at an ashram in India.
Yogi Shivendra Kumar leads a retreat in Goa aiming to explore the true essence of Yoga beyond physical postures, focusing on the Vedas, Ayurveda, and the symbolic story of the four husbands/wives we each possess.
The article "A Conversion Narrative of Sorts" written by Kelsey Osgood explores the author's personal journey of converting to Judaism.
David Buchbinder, a Juno award-winning trumpeter, discusses spirituality and music with Ralph Benmergui.
David Caplan's poetry collection "Baal Teshuvah Poetics" explores the complex inner world of a baal teshuvah, a Jew who returns to Orthodoxy, particularly through the lens of the Chabad-Lubavitch movement.
Damhnait Doyle, a versatile musician, is transitioning from Celtic to pop music while maintaining her authentic voice.
Rabbi Nahman of Bratslav, a founder of Breslov Hasidism in the late 18th century, faced opposition and disputes due to his unique teachings throughout his life.
The author reflects on his journey from a devout Mormon upbringing to questioning his faith as he delves into different religious experiences alongside his wife R. Despite being raised in Mormonism, they explore Judaism, attending a Passover Seder and embracing Jewish rituals like wearing a tallit.