Tag: Third Reich

"Winter Journey" is a poignant film that intertwines fiction and documentary elements, exploring the story of a widower, a father, and a Holocaust survivor portrayed by Bruno Ganz.
Artist Robert Russell stumbled upon images of delicate porcelain teacups on eBay and created large paintings depicting them against dark backgrounds.
Two monuments honoring the SS Galichina, a unit of Ukrainian soldiers that fought under Hitler in World War II, have been discovered in a Catholic cemetery near Philadelphia and on a Ukrainian credit union building in Warren, Michigan.
The Institute for Sexual Research, founded by Magnus Hirschfeld, was a pioneering medical center devoted to the study of gender and sexuality in Weimar Germany.
"Hitler's Hollywood" by German documentarian Rdiger Suchsland delves into the world of Nazi cinema from 1933 to 1945, exploring the films made under the regime of Joseph Goebbels, Minister of Public Enlightenment and Propaganda, during Hitler's rule.
Philosopher Hannah Arendt and scientist Stanley Milgram shed light on the nature of evil in society, arguing that normal, seemingly good people can commit atrocities when influenced by social pressures.
The documentary "Forbidden Films" by Felix Moeller highlights the controversial and toxic legacy of Nazi-era cinema, revealing the propaganda and hate-mongering themes prevalent in over 1,200 films made in Germany between 1933 and 1945.
Mahmoud Abbas, the Palestinian President, has a controversial history of Holocaust denial rooted in his 1982 dissertation that claims Zionists collaborated with Nazis.
Nelly Sachs, a Jewish poet who escaped the Third Reich and won the Nobel Prize for Literature, underwent a remarkable transformation in her work post-Holocaust.
"The House of Wittgenstein: A Family at War" delves into the story of the Wittgenstein family, once wealthy and prominent in Austria, who discovered their Jewish heritage under Nazi rule, leading them to face persecution despite their prior disavowal of their Jewish roots.