Tag: Tiberias

"Fire Dance" is a TV series set in a Haredi world, focusing on the complex relationship between a troubled young woman, Feigie, and a charismatic married rabbi named Nathan.
Rama Burshtein is celebrated as the queen of complex Haredi love stories through her acclaimed works like "Fill the Void," "The Wedding Plan," and now "Fire Dance," a series that delves into a spiritual and magical world.
The Israeli TV show "Fire Dance" is finally coming to U.S. audiences.
The map from Martin Gilbert's book "The Arab-Israeli Conflict: Its History in Maps" shows that Jews were the main settled population in the land that eventually became known as Palestine for over 1,600 years.
The Sea of Galilee, known as Kinneret, has traditionally been a holy site for Christian pilgrims and a camping destination for Israelis.
The article talks about the decline of the city of Tiberias in Israel, highlighting its once vibrant past as a resort town and center of Jewish life and learning.
This text discusses the history of the Hasidic movement in the late 18th century, particularly focusing on the leadership of Rabbi Dov Ber Friedman, known as the Maggid of Mezheritch, and his successor Rabbi Menachem Mendel in Tiberias, a city in the Galilee region of Israel.
Several earthquakes, with one measuring 4.2 on the Richter scale, shook the Sea of Galilee in northern Israel, causing some people in nearby areas like Tiberias and Raanana to feel the tremors.