Tag: Trump

In this episode, Noah Efron, Allison Kaplan Sommer, and Don Futterman discuss the increasing partisan divide on Israel in America, highlighting that while 74 percent of Republicans sympathize more with Israel, only 43 percent of Democrats do.
In this episode of the podcast, Noah Efron, Don Futterman, and Haaretz reporter Dina Kraft discuss the reconciliation between the Palestinian ruling parties Hamas and Fatah and its implications.
Professor Chuck Freilich, a former deputy national security advisor of Israel, discusses Israel's regional security concerns on the show "Neighborhood Watch."
Jason Greenblatt, Jared Kushner, and Dina Powell are set to visit Israel as part of the Trump administration's pursuit of the "ultimate deal" in the Middle East.
Journalist Jamie Kirchick discusses the rising political extremism in Europe and its implications for the United States in his new book "The End of Europe: Dictators, Demagogues and the Coming Dark Age" on Unorthodox's 95th episode.
Accusations have surfaced suggesting that the Obama administration misused classified foreign surveillance to target political opponents, including Donald Trump and his associates, possibly to gain an advantage in domestic politics.
Allison, Noah, and Don engage in discussions on various significant topics, including the sentencing of Alor Azaria, a combat medic who shot a prone knife assailant in Israel, leading to divided opinions on his punishment.
In this discussion, the hosts explore the idea of repealing Godwin's Law and how it relates to current political discourse, particularly in the context of the Holocaust.
The author reflects on their grandfather's experience fleeing Vienna in the 1930s and draws three principles to apply to the current political climate under President Trump.