Tag: Trump

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu did not receive a phone call from President Joe Biden in the first days following Biden's inauguration, unlike other world leaders who were promptly contacted by the new U.S. president.
In this podcast episode, the focus is on criticizing Andrew Cuomo, the governor of New York, for his handling of the coronavirus pandemic, with a fellow Democrat blowing the whistle on him.
President Joe Biden's administration features a notable representation of Jews in top positions, a first in U.S. history.
Bret Stephens, a new contributing editor for COMMENTARY, discusses in a podcast the importance of President Biden not undermining the Abraham Accords.
The podcast discusses various topics, including the repercussions of riots, Trump's removal from Twitter, Parler's removal from the internet, challenges facing the Republican Party, the potential for impeachment, and reflections on the nature of reality.
The podcast discusses current events at the beginning of 2021, including Trump's controversial phone call, Cuomo's handling of COVID-19, and the prevalence of conspiracy theories.
This article discusses why Iran acquiring nuclear weapons is a concerning issue.
The podcast raises concerns about how accusations against Trump are viewed as a sign of his mental state rather than political intent and questions the impact on teachers' unions trying to obstruct students' education.
The text discusses the continued focus on former President Trump in the political world, despite him no longer being in power.
The podcast discusses the perceived hypocrisy of individuals who are criticizing Trump's claims of voter fraud, despite previously alleging Russian interference in elections and disputing results themselves, such as suggesting Stacey Abrams won in Georgia despite losing by a significant margin.
This article discusses the concept of hope in California, particularly in relation to the upcoming 2020 election.
The article delves into the Trump campaign's focus on appealing to COVID fatigued voters and raises the question of whether this strategy indicates an understanding of the electorate that is not reflected in polling data.
The podcast explores the recent Trump-Biden town halls and their impact and discusses a potential scenario in which President Trump could win the election despite trailing in most polls.
The text discusses concerns about increasing street violence, allegations of President Trump attempting to manipulate the election through actions concerning the U.S. Post Office, and whether these issues are shaping the national discourse around paranoia.
The resurgence of COVID-19 infections in the United States has prompted states to retract their reopening plans, causing concern among the hosts of the COMMENTARY podcast.
There is ongoing unrest surrounding the removal of statues honoring historical figures in the United States, along with disappointment over President Trump's poorly attended post-coronavirus rally.
Amid the pervasive focus on the pandemic in the media, there is a growing interest among news consumers for diversions from the crisis.
Eli Lake, a Bloomberg View columnist, discusses his article in COMMENTARY on the case of Michael Flynn, Trump's former national security advisor, who was allegedly targeted and pressured by the Justice Department.
Allison Kaplan Sommer, Noah Efron, and Don Futterman discuss various topics including dramatizing the Holocaust on Instagram, supermarket chains creating false stories about historical tensions between Ashkenazi and Mizrahi Jews, and the symbolic significance of who is chosen to light torches on Israel's Independence Day.
A poll showed that 65% of American Christians and 64% of Americans overall found it inappropriate for President Trump to sign the cover of a Bible in early March, as reported by Religion News Service.
The text argues that the United States' best course of action in the Middle East is to leave now, as continued military presence has not brought about the desired outcomes and is disconnected from American public opinion.
In a discussion featuring Policy Director Michael Koplow, predictions for 2019 include the likelihood of Trump revealing his "ultimate deal" and whether Netanyahu will surpass Ben-Gurion as Israel's longest-serving Prime Minister.
In the aftermath of the Pittsburgh massacre, the author chose to spend Shabbat attending a debate between David Frum and Steve Bannon instead of going to synagogue as part of a call to resist populism.
In response to claims linking a rise in anti-Semitism to President Trump, an article criticizes the Anti-Defamation League's (ADL) statistic allegedly showing a 57 percent increase in anti-Semitic incidents in 2017, arguing that the data was misrepresented and lacks empirical evidence.
Former Senator Joe Lieberman, known for his complex political stance as a liberal Democrat with hawkish views on foreign policy, revealed on the Unorthodox podcast his uncertainty about his party loyalty in the 2020 election.