Tag: Tucker Carlson

Tucker Carlson, known for his America First stance, criticized Israel for mistreating Christians, interviewing Pastor Munther Isaac who lives under the Palestinian Authority.
In a recent episode of the Tablet podcast "What Really Matters," hosts Walter Russell Mead and Jeremy discuss Vladmir Putin's support for Joe Biden, his criticism of Tucker Carlson, Donald Trump's negative remarks about NATO, and Biden's challenges in the Middle East.
Tucker Carlson, at a conference in a Middle Eastern oil city, likened America to a "dad" of the world perpetuating evil by taking sides in conflicts like a parent favoring one child over another.
The podcast crew discusses the criticism faced by Israelis for allegedly not finding Hamas tunnels at a hospital, which was proven false when the tunnels were discovered.
In this discussion, the focus is on the WHO's classification of aspartame as a potential carcinogen, questioning whether this decision is justified or exaggerated.
Tucker Carlson, recently removed from Fox News, has started a new show on Twitter which is filled with antisemitism, conspiracy theories, and hateful rhetoric.
The text discusses the recent changes in cable news, highlighting the departure of CNN's new chief and the declining ratings of Fox News Channel, as well as Tucker Carlson's new initiative on Twitter.
The podcast covers the jury verdict in the civil case against Donald Trump and its potential impact on his political future, as well as Joe Biden's recent press conference regarding the debt ceiling.
Israel recently celebrated its 75th birthday amidst internal tensions, highlighted by the unsure status of a judicial overhaul and revisiting Netanyahu's foreign press campaign.
In a podcast episode discussing the beginning of Joe Biden's reelection campaign, journalist Eli Lake explores the Georgia investigation of Donald Trump, the significance of Biden's reelection video announcement, and Tucker Carlson's situation.
In a recent podcast, the discussion highlighted how extremists on the Left pose a challenge for Joe Biden in addressing crime issues, while individuals like Tucker Carlson are complicating matters for the GOP by downplaying the events of January 6, making it difficult to attract independent voters.
Kanye West has rejected an invitation to the Holocaust Museum in Los Angeles and has continued to double down on his recent antisemitic rhetoric.
In an interview on Tucker Carlson Tonight, Kanye West made antisemitic comments about Jared Kushner's work with Israel, implying that Jews can't make anything on their own and are only motivated by money.
In a Bar Mitzvah-themed episode, the discussion revolves around Netanyahu's political rivals outsmarting him in a crucial vote with a sly wink, raising questions about his power.
Tucker Carlson's recent espousal of the Great Replacement Theory on Fox News has sparked controversy and raised concerns about its anti-Semitic history.