Tag: Ucla

Yoram Hazony, President of the Herzl Institute and Chairman of the Edmund Burke Foundation, challenges the relationship between conservatism and liberalism in his book "Conservatism: A Rediscovery."
David N. Myers, a Jewish history professor at UCLA, and Benjamin Ravid, a professor at Brandeis University, shed light on the life and contributions of Simon Rawidowicz, an influential Jewish intellectual of the 20th century.
UCLA has appointed Jedd Fisch, an assistant coach from Michigan, as its new offensive coordinator, leading to excitement among Jewish college football fans as he will work closely with star Bruins quarterback Josh Rosen.
The author recounts his experience hunting a deer with his brother-in-law and reflects on the profound lessons learned during the hunt, including a newfound appreciation for the connection between procuring meat and confronting death.
A woman reflects on her journey to becoming a cantor while grappling with her family's religious traditions and gender expectations.