Tag: United States

At the AJC Global Forum 2019, British Members of Parliament Joan Ryan and Ian Austin discussed the issue of anti-Semitism within the UK Labour Party, emphasizing their efforts to combat this pervasive problem.
Brian Levin from California State University's Center for the Study of Hate and Extremism provides insights on hate crimes in the United States, amid rising reports of anti-Semitism in Europe.
Israel Policy Pod addresses the significance of Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society (HIAS) in supporting refugees and immigrants, especially in light of the Pittsburgh synagogue attack where HIAS was targeted by far-right extremists.
Jonathan Sarna, a professor of American Jewish history, co-edited a book titled "Lincoln and the Jews: A History" with Benjamin Shapell, exploring the relationship between Abraham Lincoln and the Jewish community.
Aurea Vazquez Rijos, a Puerto Rican woman, was found guilty of murder in the U.S. for hiring a hitman to kill her husband, Adam Anhang, after he requested a divorce.
Henry Kissinger's eulogy for John McCain at the National Cathedral stood out as the most remarkable among the orations given, contrasting with Barack Obama's speech, which was deemed unsatisfactory due to being self-focused rather than centered on America's significance.
David A. Halperin and Evan Gottesman discuss the implications of the United States' exit from the Iran nuclear deal with former Israeli deputy defense minister Ephraim Sneh.
Simone Somekh's novel "Wide Angle" follows the story of Orthodox Jewish photographer Ezra Kramer as he embarks on a journey to pursue his dreams and beliefs outside of his family and community.
Donald Trump's behavior, particularly his controversial statements and demeanor, is likened to the character of Ubu Roi from a French play by Alfred Jarry, known for his grotesque and nonsensical nature, representing a dark and tyrannical authority that was once confined to theater but now embodied by Trump in reality.
Dr. Rafael Medoff, from the David S. Wyman Institute for Holocaust Studies, discusses his book "Cartoonists Against the Holocaust" on how US editorial cartoons depicted Hitler and Nazism.
The text discusses the hypothetical scenario of what would have happened if Rabbi Aharon Lichtenstein had not moved to Israel and had stayed in the United States instead.
Michael Oren, former Israeli ambassador to Washington, has sparked controversy by accusing Barack Obama of undermining the U.S.-Israel alliance and speculating about Obama's motives based on his background.
Jewish organizations in the United States are being urged to stop denying the Armenian genocide, especially as its 100th anniversary approaches.
Robert Whitehill-Bashan responds to Hillel Halkin's review, pointing out Halkin's oversight of his Hebrew poetry work spanning several decades, despite being acknowledged in Alan Mintz's book.
In his book "Moynihans Moment: Americas Fight against Zionism as Racism," McGill University historian Gil Troy recounts the pivotal 1975 United Nations resolution declaring Zionism a form of racism.
A farming village in central Syria was reportedly shelled by Assad's army, resulting in the deaths of about 200 people.
Analysis of recent reports on Irans nuclear program and potential military actions by Israel and the United States reveals a complex web of perspectives and leaks.
Robert Blackwill, along with Walter B. Slocombe, authors of a paper titled "Israel: A Strategic Asset for the United States," argue that the alliance between the U.S. and Israel is crucial for shared national interests, citing Israel's contributions like counter-proliferation efforts, military technology, intelligence cooperation, and missile defense.
The article discusses the deep connection between American Jews and Chinese food, noting that Chinese cuisine is highly popular among American Jews, even more so than among Chinese people themselves.
The United States' World Cup match against Slovenia ended in a controversial 2-2 draw due to a disputed call by the referee.
The United States soccer team, featuring three Jewish players, is set to play Slovenia, whose defensive strategy resembles the U.S.'s approach.
An Israeli sociologist conducted a study at Jewish summer camps in the United States with over 700 children, revealing insights into how different Jewish denominations view their identity.