Tag: United States

The United States blocked a UN Security Council resolution blaming Israel for deaths during a humanitarian aid delivery in Gaza.
The documentary "God and Country," produced by Rob Reiner, delves into the rise of Christian nationalism in the United States, exploring its history from the Cold War era to recent events like the storming of the Capitol on Jan. 6.
The text criticizes recent incidents of antisemitism on university campuses in Leeds and Birmingham, pointing out the shocking nature of the events and questioning the UK's tendency to follow America's lead.
The article discusses two potential reasons for Joe Biden's potential loss in the 2024 election: his open-door policy at the US southern border and his handling of the Iranian threat.
The article discusses the recent shift in the Israeli mindset following the reminder of the mortal danger posed by neighboring enemies.
The author, an American Jew, initially left the US due to rising antisemitism under Trump and moved to Canada.
The United States and other countries withholding funds from the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) for humanitarian aid in Gaza is condemned as unconscionable.
The tension over illegal immigration in the United States continues to escalate, with Texas and the federal government clashing over border security.
Benjamin Netanyahu's political opponents in Israel are organizing protests to demand the release of hostages through a deal with Hamas.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is facing pressure from domestic rivals who are demanding the release of hostages through a deal with Hamas.
The article discusses the current state of the broadening war in the Middle East.
According to a report by the Anti-Defamation League (ADL), incidents of antisemitism in the United States have surged since Hamas' invasion of Israel on October 7.
Gadi Taub, an author and historian, has written a bestseller called The Rise of Antidemocratic Liberalism: Israel, the United States, and the West, which is being translated into English.
The text argues that Israel is facing threats from Hamas, Hezbollah, and Iran, and emphasizes the importance of understanding the seriousness of these threats.
Since the start of the war on October 7th, the United States has supplied Israel with more than 10,000 tons of military equipment.
The United Nations Security Council has adopted a resolution urging the acceleration of assistance to Palestinians in the Gaza Strip.
Despite the ongoing crisis and war in Israel, thousands of Jews from various countries have chosen to move to Israel, also known as making aliyah.
Following a recent increase in settler violence in the West Bank during the Israel-Hamas conflict, the United Kingdom has joined the United States in announcing a travel ban on extremist Israeli settlers.
Russian President Vladimir Putin has stated that Russia seeks a prisoner exchange agreement to free American Jewish journalist Evan Gershkovich, who has been imprisoned on espionage charges since March.
The podcast explores the relationship between Joe Biden and Benjamin Netanyahu, questioning if Biden's stance towards Netanyahu has shifted and how Netanyahu's electoral concerns are influencing this dynamic.
The United Nations General Assembly has approved a resolution calling for an immediate ceasefire in the Israel-Hamas war, with 153 nations in favor, 23 abstaining, and 10 countries, including Israel and the United States, voting against it.
Trita Parsi, executive vice president of the Quincy Institute and a renowned author, brings attention to the risks of a regional war in a discussion about the response of Iran and Israel following recent events.
This opinion piece discusses the need to attach conditions to the generous military aid that the United States provides to Israel, particularly in relation to curbing Jewish settlements in the West Bank.
The podcast discusses the escalating violence in Israel and the shift from calls for ceasefires to open calls for an "intifada" in the United States, reflecting Palestinian attacks on Jews over the years.
This text emphasizes the power of one act of violence, such as the recent conflict between Hamas and Israel, to disrupt progress and unity among humanity.