Tag: United States

The article discusses the possibility of a future civil war in the United States, triggered by a contested election.
The United States currently has overwhelming military power compared to Iran, but the Biden administration's ambiguous approach to defending its allies in the Middle East has created mistrust among its Gulf allies and emboldened China, Russia, and Iran.
With elections approaching in the United States and Israel, Canadian Jews seek insight into the political landscapes of these nations with significant Jewish populations.
The article discusses the deteriorating relationship between the United States and Saudi Arabia, highlighting the consequences of American policy decisions in the Middle East.
The recent Lebanon gas deal has caused controversy in Israel, with many criticizing Prime Minister Yair Lapid for agreeing to cede the entire disputed maritime territory to Lebanon.
The podcast discusses the situation in Ukraine, addressing topics such as nuclear weapons, Putin, and the United States's response, with a focus on whether the Ukrainian triumph is turning into a Western crisis.
Matt Sienkiewicz, a professor at Boston College, co-authored a book titled "That's Not Funny: How the Right Makes Comedy Work for Them."
In his book "That's Not Funny: How the Right Makes Comedy Work for Them," Professor Matt Sienkiewicz explores the impact of openly right-wing comedians on American media.
This week's episode of Unorthodox discusses Tisha B'Av, the Jewish day of mourning that commemorates the destruction of the Temple in Jerusalem.
The article argues that President Joe Biden's upcoming visit to Israel and Saudi Arabia signals a problematic shift in American foreign policy towards the Middle East.
Yuval Levin discusses the significance of the frequent mass murders in the United States, exploring whether they reflect a broader sickness in American society.
Novelist Joshua Cohen discusses his surprise at winning the Pulitzer Prize for his book, "The Netanyahus," while visiting Israel for the Jerusalem International Book Forum and Writers Festival.
The article discusses the changing concept of citizenship in the United States and other Western democracies.
In this podcast, security expert Aaron MacLean explores the United States' credibility in the face of various conflicts.
In this podcast, security expert Aaron MacLean examines the United States' credibility and deterrent power in various conflicts.
The struggle for Ukraine could establish China as the dominant power in Europe, surpassing both Russia and the United States.
Shirin Herzog, wife of Israeli Ambassador to the United States Mike Herzog, is making her own mark as a high-powered attorney and diplomat.
Russian airstrikes and tanks have commenced a full-scale invasion of Ukraine, which marks a significant turning point in Russian-Western relations since the Cold War.
In this podcast episode, foreign-policy scholar Vance Serchuk discusses the history and politics that underlie Russia's invasion of Ukraine.
The author argues that the US has played a role in the conflict between Ukraine and Russia by using Ukraine as a weapon against Russia, destabilizing the region and putting Ukrainian lives at risk.
This podcast episode discusses how the crisis in Ukraine is affecting Israel and its delicate balancing act in maintaining good relations with both the US and Russia.
In a recent podcast episode, the discussion highlights the Congressional response to the events of January 6, specifically addressing the peculiar moment when a song from the musical "Hamilton" was sung, portraying a positive image of a man involved in a seditious conspiracy against the United States.
In this podcast episode, Chuck Freilich, former Israeli deputy national security adviser, discusses the possibility of Israel conducting a military strike to eliminate Iran's nuclear program.
The text discusses the issue of prosecutors releasing individuals who go on to commit serious crimes and criticizes elite individuals who speak negatively about the United States despite the opportunities it has provided them.
Yuval Levin discusses the fact that 70% of the U.S. population aged 12 and older is fully vaccinated, a milestone suggesting herd immunity and the end of the pandemic.