Tag: University Of Toronto

An Ontario court judge is expected to rule soon on the fate of the pro-Palestinian tent city at the University of Toronto, with the university arguing it is illegal and damaging, while student protestors defend their free speech rights.
Frieda Johles Forman, a pioneering feminist in Jewish studies and literature, passed away at 87.
A recent study conducted by the Abraham Global Peace Initiative (AGPI) highlights a troubling increase in antisemitism on Canadian university campuses, particularly after Oct. 7.
University of Toronto's anti-racism office organized a restorative circle for Jewish students and staff to address antisemitism following a report by Dr. Ayelet Kuper.
Michael Marrus, a prominent Holocaust scholar in Canada, passed away at 81, leaving behind a legacy of significant contributions to Jewish history through his books and involvement in various academic projects.
Dr. Ayelet Kuper, a professor at the University of Toronto's medical school, has documented and published instances of antisemitism faced by Jewish faculty and students, particularly those who publicly support Israel.
Tyler Samuels, a recent graduate from the University of Toronto and a vocal member of Canada's Jewish community, addresses the issue of race and antisemitism on campus.
Alejandro Paz, an associate professor of anthropology at the University of Toronto, delves into his book "Latinos in Israel: Language and Unexpected Citizenship," exploring the unique migrant community in Israel.
Jordan Peterson, a controversial Canadian psychology professor turned YouTube sensation, is depicted as a polarizing figure facing scrutiny and criticism in the media.
In this personal reflection, the author discusses the role of Jewish identity in diaspora, particularly around the Christmas season.
Nimrod Lin, a doctoral fellow at the University of Toronto, delves into the historical roots of Israel's demographic concerns within Zionism.
In two new works of Jewish political theory by David Novak and Chaim Gans, the foundation of Zionism is under scrutiny, with Novak arguing for a theological basis while Gans critiques the ethnocentric shortsightedness of the Zionist mainstream.
Omri Grinberg, an anthropologist at the University of Toronto, discusses his research with host Gilad Halpern, focusing on Palestinian "children of the junction" - teenage boys from the West Bank who enter Israel to work as peddlers.
Natalie Zemon Davis, a historian, recounts how her marriage to mathematician Chandler Davis, who was arrested for distributing Communist literature, affected her career.
Israeli Apartheid Week (IAW) in Canada has highlighted a growing anti-Israel and anti-Semitic sentiment on Canadian campuses, despite the Canadian government's strong support for Israel in recent years.