Tag: Us Politics

Former President Donald Trump used the debate as an opportunity to appeal to major Israeli-American donor Dr. Miriam Adelson, who has pledged a significant amount to his campaign but has yet to release the funds.
American public schools are facing scrutiny for incorporating controversial curriculum materials without official oversight or approval, sparking concern among educators and policy experts like Robert Pondiscio about the lack of transparency in the educational system.
US Senate leader Chuck Schumer, a prominent Jewish politician, publicly called for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to step down before the November presidential election in an attempt to reassure discontented Democrats.
Aryeh Deri, leader of Israel's Shas party, was falsely portrayed as calling for President Biden's resignation, highlighting the sensitive nature of foreign leaders critiquing each other.
In the California primary elections, Jewish Democratic Rep. Adam Schiff, supported by AIPAC, advanced to the Senate runoff to replace Sen. Dianne Feinstein.
Novara Media held a trial-like interview with Bernie Sanders, focusing on his views as a Jewish liberal Zionist.
President Joe Biden is facing criticism from both supporters and opponents of Israel for his handling of the conflict with Hamas, with some Democrats pushing for a more critical stance on Israel, leading to tensions within the party.
Robert Kraft's Foundation to Combat Antisemitism will air an ad during Super Bowl LVIII featuring Clarence Jones, the former lawyer and advisor to Martin Luther King, Jr. and the speechwriter of King's "I Have A Dream" speech.
This week's episode of "Unholy Podcast" discusses a potential breakthrough in Saudi-Israeli relations, with signs from leaders like Benjamin Netanyahu, Mohammed bin Salman, and Joe Biden pointing towards improved ties.
The podcast discusses the focus on Republican infighting in the House of Representatives regarding government shutdowns but questions the assumption that Democrats bear no responsibility for a shutdown.
During the first GOP primary debate for the 2024 presidential campaign, former United Nations Ambassador Nikki Haley criticized entrepreneur Vivek Ramaswamy for suggesting a reduction in US aid to Israel.
In a recent podcast, the discussion highlighted how extremists on the Left pose a challenge for Joe Biden in addressing crime issues, while individuals like Tucker Carlson are complicating matters for the GOP by downplaying the events of January 6, making it difficult to attract independent voters.
In a recent podcast episode, the discussion delves into the aftermath of the midterm elections for Republicans and the implications of Donald Trump hinting at a potential announcement of his 2024 campaign.
The podcast discusses how the media and Democrats are trying to portray the recent worse-than-expected inflation numbers as a new normal, raising questions about the strategy's implications for the upcoming November elections.
In a recent podcast, guests Eli Lake and Eliana Johnson discussed the sudden surge of anti-Biden stories in the mainstream media, highlighting a shift in coverage towards criticism of President Biden.
In a recent podcast discussing the outcomes of recent primaries and elections, there was a focus on the Democratic party's apparent disregard for the shift of Hispanic voters towards the Republican party.
The podcast discusses the Biden administration's decision to extend the student loan moratorium under the guise of COVID-19, questioning its benefits and potential political consequences.
The podcast discusses a poll revealing a dilemma for Joe Biden, highlighting that Democrats and independents have conflicting views on big spending, making it challenging for Biden to please both his base and non-aligned voters simultaneously.
The podcast discusses how House Democrats are considering passing a large spending bill that is unlikely to pass in the Senate, a move that could provide Republicans with ammunition to use against Democrats in the 2022 elections.
Bret Stephens, a well-known New York Times columnist, participated in a discussion at the Z3 conference about politics in the US and Israel.
In a conversation about key issues, the "Trump Israel?" edition explores three main topics: the controversy over expressing sympathy for the parents of slain terrorists, the emergence of a political movement aiming to challenge Ashkenazi dominance and redefine Zionism in a more inclusive manner, and Donald Trump's departure from traditional Republican views on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, prompting debate on whether excessive support for Israel could be detrimental.